The Ute was in the shed, the alloy canopy on the back while far more versatile than a tub does suffer the problem of getting hot which in turn means the Engel tends to run a lot more if not all the time, a problem which occurs in the tub/canopy combo's also, this drains a hell of a lot of juice from the aux battery, so much that at times the solar on the roof only just holds it's own and I mean just..............the grand plan would be to fit a Donaldson type filter and scoop on the roof to allow a good flow with an electric fan to assist when stopped and a vent, now this would be very nice, many $$$$ so next idea was a rotary vent on the roof for exhaust with a vent on the front to draw air in, this also didn't get past the Treasurer BUT the 2 @ $4 vents and computer fan sitting on a shelf in my shed gained approval so in the interim they were utilized and actually works quite well keeping the temp at ambient, something I didn't think possible actually and while they will get a bit of fine tuning in the future it is a good trial. I think the biggest worry is keeping dust and water from coming in via the front vent, mate has one and said he doesn't have any trouble, time will tell......just have to set up a switch with a 30 deg thermo switch to fire it all up, at the moment when I lift a door the light comes on and the fan stops..........
.Have also been thinking of fitting a CPU fan on the Engel to boost the airflow when it gets warm, haven't looked for a 12v line yet, don't want to arc myself up as they have some quirky wiring in these things, but a wire to my own 12v circuit via a thermal switch might be the easier option, fan clipped on but the Engel lives in the Ute nowadays so doesn't move around like it used this space..........
Okay and here's some pics...
Front vent.......
..tucked out of the way.........
Rear vent outside.......................
and fan on the other side..
so far all good, may need to add another exhaust on other side and when I finish lining the inside with thin styro for insulating to help, I can sort all my wiring out as LED strips will need relocating as well..........................
No rush, I'm retired......................................bit of crowd funding would help though....
PS: soon as I finished we went to the beach for the rest of the day..................