Drovers 14.44.3


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Thank you CrustyCon, ( @Crusty181 ) so I would be better off sticking 80watts of solar on the ute's roof ????? that way it would keep the aux battery charged up and could do away with a wire from the car battery and run the van all off the aux.........didn't do an inventory of what would be drawing from the aux just thought the Ctek sounded good so go with that but you and Bigcol have made me see the light..!!!!.....broke anyway so by the time the Treasurer hands out the coin there will be a new invention to get excited about.
Life was so much easier with a tilly lamp, wine and rum since you couldn't keep the beer cold drink it all the first day before the ice melted..........my old Nissan hand a crank so if you killed the battery you just wound it up.
Youll probably get a similar return of the charging via an 80w panel as from the Setec via 12v.

Bugger it ....... its happy Honda time, of the 2kW kind


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
see, I still cannot get past the 12v to 12v charging

it draws from your battery - to charge your other battery
thankfully I suppose it is only at 20A - otherwise your main would be flat
and you would need the 2nd battery to charge the main..........................

me thinks Cetek chargers are the same as Solar Generators eh @Crusty181 -



Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Solar Generators eh
Ha ... I thought that old chestnut has been banished. You clearly have a filing system there (Col..oooogle), and you pull out the appropriate tags with impeccable timing.

The Ctek D25s Dual 12v/12v smart charger, charges from the cars alternator (via the cars battery), and in the case of our Jaycos does pretty much identically what the onboard Setec already can do if you wire it that way. The problem with the Setec is its charge rate via the cars 12v system is so low its next to useless. The Ctek just does it better than the Setec, the catch being you only have 20amps on the Ctek to play with so cant have anything connected which will rob any of that 20amps. The Ctek to be effective needs its own hotwire.

And @bigcol, Im always on guard for the snake oil salesman.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
And it has a sort of colour of the sun.

Along the same lines.....maybe....

We've been toying with the idea of carrying our extra (so far not needed) 120 solar panel on the roof racks instead of inside the car. The plan was to connect the Panel to its separate regulator at the battery end and then to an extra battery ( have one of the projecta battery boxes with Anderson, merit and cig socket) to give us the flexibility of charging extra fridge in the car and anything else. We've been so impressed with the onboard solar charging in the van while on the move that we thought we'd try to get a bit more free power.

Looking for a better place to carry the panel without fluffing around with everything else in the car but wondering if this is overkill.

I guess it comes down to matching power generation to power needs within a safe margin.

We will probably just leave the extra fridge, the extra battery and the extra solar panel at home and keep life simple. Some AAA batteries for the torches, should we need them, would be lighter.

Does anyone else do the above? Successful or a PIA?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I'm starting to lean towards the panels @Dobbie , just need to mount them where the Kayak doesn't cover them then at least it's fit and forget, could leave the Engel on all the time and if the Ute is not moving for a few days like when I'm at the beach charging isn't a problem.
I would love some of those flexy panels, just Sikaflex them to the roof.

I'd seriously look at some way of setting your panels up to charge your battery/fridge that way you can keep your beer separate from the kids stuff and it keep them cold.
A dual cab Colorado Tray back with flash shed on back would solve your problem of room also you would be a "COOL Panda Man"...........:fish2:


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
The Ctek D25s Dual 12v/12v smart charger, charges from the cars alternator (via the cars battery), and in the case of our Jaycos does pretty much identically what the onboard Setec already can do if you wire it that way. The problem with the Setec is its charge rate via the cars 12v system is so low its next to useless. The Ctek just does it better than the Setec, the catch being you only have 20amps on the Ctek to play with so cant have anything connected which will rob any of that 20amps. The Ctek to be effective needs its own hotwire.

ok, I am starting to get the hang of these (I think, but doubt very much)
the Cetek would be good in a Van - if you didnt already have the factory fitted Setek
the Setek in the Van does not charge as good as the Cetek
Mulled Wine is better than Mead...................

got I think @Crusty181
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Hey @bigcol being way over on the far side of the world like you are, must seem like being at a barbie but standing way down the backyard trying to have a conversation with everybody up at the house.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Nothing is impossible with a "COLORADO"...........................................your serve.
Colorado (11px-Speakerlink-new.svg.pngi/kɒləˈrædoʊ/,[8] or /kɒləˈrɑːdoʊ/[9]) is a U.S. state encompassing most of the Southern Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains. Colorado is part of the Western United States, the Southwestern United States, and the Mountain States. Colorado is the 8th most extensive and the 22nd most populous of the 50 United States. Known to be very uncomfortable, thirsty and useless for towing. Often compared to a Barbie Campervan
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