when we go away, its normally for at least 6 weeks or more. 3 kids and bored at night - already played all the board games. tv is a wind down from the days events. we use a coffee machine that draws 1400 watts. it runs for around 3 mins. microwaves on defrost do not run at full power all the time. on full heat would not normally run for more than 5 mins in one hit. a 100 amp hour battery holds around 80 usable amps. so using it for 5 mins takes around 7 amps out of the battery's capacity. if you have solar, then a duel panel 100+ watt system will put this back in around 1-2 hours in the sun. i have 650 watts of panels on the roof so i can be a bit more loose when it comes to power usage. adding more batteries is a short time solution, as you still need to charge them once flat - it just delays that "flat" time. and then you need more power to charge them. single battery and more panels is a better way of doing things and saves weight if you use the correct panels. i run 8 panels with a total weight of 10 kg in total on the roof, another battery is around 40 kg by the time you add boxes, cables and connectors.