I got the heater install done, and tested with just the blower, very impressed.
Next the gas guys needs to come and finish it off correctly plus a couple other things at the same time.
The black pipe in the pic is the fresh air intake for combustion, inside this is the exhaust hose, the fresh air side acts as a insulator from the high exhaust temps which preheats the combustion air.
This next pic shows the 2 x vent ports, the one on the right is fresh cabin air into the seat cavity.
The left vent is warm air back, this position is to allow the warm air to blow toward the back of the van.
The installation sadly has a small trade of, the ducting is in the front storage compartment.
So I made a pine wood frame over it 19mm thick.
A blind man will see my usual high quality mat black paint job
The heater control is up near the sink, beside it are switches I have added for the fridge and multiple accessories.
As I had some time before beer-O-clock (i have a pair of Old bloke over the road who have a go at me for working after 15:30 when they crack open a few).
Anyway, i got this job started , removed the old tool box, and cyl mounts.
Very happy with how this box sits in place, and it will be very easy to mount the cyl's in front.
I should get it powder coated, but no time now, later perhaps?
The box is just sitting in place, yet to be mounted as I want to mount the BBQ connection in behind it.