Well home from our first trip away.
Towed well only average 17.6 litres which is under what I thought we get on the Discovery V6 Petrol. Could feel it was there did not wobble at all not sure if lucky or ESC. The Brunsgaard mirrors where fine no wobble we noticed as trucks went past.
Thank god the Western Ring Road road works finished now
Very happy with the van, kids had a great time we spent a lot of it at the BIG4. Our second time there.
Had kids stuff on every morning which was great
Meet some nice people including
@macca and some others who said they visit the forum. Felt a little out of it as most caravans there where Expanda's

Saw one full van Starcraft and two 80's ones
Went to Ocean Groove, Portalington Market, Jayco for some John Guest clips
Had a couple of small issues with the van, we get sorted soon hopefully.
TV ariel not working, getting up the ladder for another look in a later today.
Dinette came away from wall again

Third time now so packing the hole and re-screwing when you have kids does not last long. Honestly they should be able to touch the table.
Washer missing from hatch Geoff had a spare one that fitted. thanks again.
Microwave door does not pop open you need to manually open the door? I assume this is not normal
Condensation in the pop top, any ideas to lessen it. I just popped the roof up now to allow it to fully dry out.
Big kids where mostly good and twins went to sleep three nights well top to tail in the bottom bunk. Last night we made a big mistake and let them fall asleep while getting milk at 4pm. We had :minion_wave::minion_jumping: until after 10pm..
Yesterday was great we had the park to ourselves almost as nearly everyone went home

So had the pool to ourselves almost for 3 hours.
Some idiot (me) forgot the grill from the new Weber so did not test it out after all.
Put up the second hand shade sails we got the track is cracked in a few places went on ok.. Off well took a while with some words the kids hopefully did not hear

any ideas how to fix the cracks? it was cheap so took the chance.
Some pictures of weekend
Lots of vans ours is in the centre.