Dave and Sarah's Starcraft 17.58-1 OB


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014

Glad its finally here, has been a long wait.

My table also has come away, but was able to tighten it for the time being. At the very least I would use hollow wall anchors (Molly's as I used to call them in the trade)


These will work as first option, trust me once in, they don't come out. If these fail I would be placing a alloy plate or similar on the wall screwed into the alloy wall studs.

But I will be using Mollys first, before I go to second option. I also don't trust Jayco in fixing it. personally they should know this is a chit design and should have been fixed by using a different design.

Good to see the larger version of mine, your weber baby Q will fit under the front bed :)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
Thanks @Swerve have some like that in garage will look tomorrow

Doing a sleep over tonight bigger kids asleep small ones still playing. In and out of bunk. I think my idea for a cot like fence is looking better. Not like they playing with each other it's the curtain and pillow and sleeping bag :(
Dog cracked it to we setup up her bed.. Enclosed space and dog farts are not the best.
Got Hester going on low nice in here.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2014

Glad its finally here, has been a long wait.

My table also has come away, but was able to tighten it for the time being. At the very least I would use hollow wall anchors (Molly's as I used to call them in the trade)


These will work as first option, trust me once in, they don't come out. If these fail I would be placing a alloy plate or similar on the wall screwed into the alloy wall studs.

But I will be using Mollys first, before I go to second option. I also don't trust Jayco in fixing it. personally they should know this is a chit design and should have been fixed by using a different design.

Good to see the larger version of mine, your weber baby Q will fit under the front bed :)
Found that when I changed my table like yours to the tri-table. Had to attach the small cupboard to the wall and remove the bracket you showed coming loose. The wall is not that thick on my Panda nor much of a cavity. Don't think there is room or thickness to use the 'Mollys'. Screw holding in those brackets only just the right length, any longer and it will come through the other side.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
Well the sleep over went good apart from one twin waking up at 2am,3am,4am etc.. You get the drift. His so called identical brother is still sleeping. So I think I found out which is the evil twin :) I had my suspicions.
Dog wanted out and slept in her kennel which surprised me.

Will look at wall and aerial today after Auskick. Want to put rubber corners on solar panel so while up the ladder tick that one off


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
Don't think there is room or thickness to use the 'Mollys'. Screw holding in those brackets only just the right length, any longer and it will come through the other side.
Yes @Marv_mart you are correct.. So my temp solution I cut up some matches to fill the whole as packing and screwed back in. Not super tight although holding. You think seeing they put the cladding on later they put a bracket to screw into inside the wall.

Now to reverse camera. Wanted to run electrical condulet to protect cable not sure I can get it through nicely. Will run the cable without and if it goes do work out the best way to do it another day.
A dogs breakfast of cabling under the van. Some cables in U bolts others just cable tied, they do not even go through the chassis holes just under it.

Now working out where to put camera. Will run cable outside the van as rather not drill the van.
Options are:
A) Up high although you see more cable
B) Above wheel
C) Inside the wheel on the mounting bracket so take cover off to travel
D) On Bumper.
E) Make a bracket to connect to spare wheel bracket and put it just over tyre
Option C/D/E I do not have to screw anything into the van.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2014
Mornington Peninsula
just a suggestion, lay the cable and get it working then hold it in positions to see whats best. maybe a bracket off the the bottom of the van underneath, between bumper and under the tyre if theres room, just above D.
E's ok, i would check vision first to make sure tyre doesn't block view to ground, cause thats where the water meter, small post etc is likely to be hiding.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2014
Mornington Peninsula
yep cable tie to top of bumper and give it a go , reckon you'll be right to see how it goes over w/end.
i run camera's on all my vehicles and trucks etc, all run down near the bumper, and it works for our situation.
some are connected to reverse light wire, another has a switch in the cab to turn it on while on the run, but connected to rev wire the best for us, easy.


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
G'day @davemc, a couple of pix of my camera setup. Originally had the camera on the bumper as in first pic but fitting the spare on the bumper blocked its view so a bracket behind spares mount lifted it above the spare. Much better view of traffic behind while travelling and excellent for reversing.
Van Camera.jpg DSC_4109.jpg DSC_4110.jpg DSC_4111.jpg


Active Member
May 13, 2014
Hey Dave, you mentioned the levelling ramps you had were no good, I assume because of the tandem axle. Which ones do you have and which ones do you need?
Also did you get the starter hose kit from Jayco for sullage hose etc. I have no idea on any of these things and trying to get a few things ticked off the list.