Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Hydroflouric acid is very dangerous !will turn bones into jelly baby’s , it was banned from mag wheel cleaners etc many years ago ,many acids attack and degrade gal and cad coatings and will sit under areas where it can not be washed off properly for ever.CT 18 is ok to use on cool paintwork make sure all suds washed off very well or else spotting may occur
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Get a Perspex /plastic polish from Supercheap etc for fine scratch’s.Brasso also works well.For deeper ones 1000 wet/dry in soapy water then 1500 ,finally 2000 then best polished with buff ,or vigorous circular hand polish


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Hydroflouric acid is very dangerous !will turn bones into jelly baby’s , it was banned from mag wheel cleaners etc many years ago ,many acids attack and degrade gal and cad coatings and will sit under areas where it can not be washed off properly for ever.CT 18 is ok to use on cool paintwork make sure all suds washed off very well or else spotting may occur
Interesting (and slightly horrifying) info about hydroflouric acid particularly because its in Septone AliBrite which is the most commonly available ally cleaner sold by virtually everyone. I tried to clean the red staining off my van with around 78 different products all promising the world, and delivering squat. I was given couple of panel industry so called 'get anything off' wonder products, and even with the help of a 14hp 4000psi pressure cleaner .... nothing made a scrap of difference despite all the assurances guaranteeing results. I had some work done at the dealer years ago and when I picked up the van the drawer bar was absolutely gleeming, I was astonished. The washer guy had no clue what it was, just 'stuff in that 20ltr drum'. Bit of research and product was a Hydroflouric acid-based cleaner, a cheaper and industrial packaged version of AliBrite. Mist on and simply hose off, no scrubbing. That was the promise and that was the result Im a little over wasting time and money on solutions that don't work; it time consuming and waste of time and money and bloody frustrating ....... so if you guaranteeing me CT18 will remove red staining I give it a crack, but I 'know' the hydoflouric base AliBrite stuff will work


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Hi Crusty,
Can you tell me how you fixed the window scratches?


Kinda what @BJM, but if you roll down the wet n dry path without an electric polisher you'll regret it, it's virtually impossible useless your fresh out of the AIS and have the arms and stamina of Popeye.

It will all hinge of whether you can catch a fingernail running it lightly over the scratch or scatches. No catch, just use a polish. If your nail catches its a gouge, and unfortunately you need to wet n dry it first. That's no big deal, but for the uninitiated will likely be very daunting as you completely fog the window by rubbing it with sandpaper. Ha. It just adds a little more work is all, but my advice is dont do any of it without a polisher.

Silvo is the less aggressive cousin of Brasso so you can use either; or even both in a two-step process but you'll still need the pressure and speed of an electric polisher for it to be effective. Brasso isnt the same product as it used to be in olde world, much less effective now but it and Silvo work fine for acrylic windows

Put the Silvo (or Brasso) on neat to a dry window and polish with overlapping runs, both a horizontal and then a vertical. Then lightly (LIGHTLY) mist with water and repeat the horizontal and vertical run. Lightly mist again and repeat until there's only water on the window, probably around 4 or 5 cycles. The only real points to keep in mind is dont allow to my heat to built up, and ensure the polisher pad remains flat to the window

After the zombie apocalypse lifts, come upto the factory and Ill show you on my van .... or bring your van and you can do it out the front.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
In the 70's and 80's (last century) trying to get rid of scratches out of the helmet visor, I tried everything including the stuff that was used to get the screens on the Skyhawks and Trackers crystal clear, lots of care and just too much effort, well make that the 70's as by the 80's I had given up just buy or make new ones..... on the 14.44 I used to buff my windows with a nice car polish before they could get scratches, worked well and I only washed them with a very clean sponge and lots of soapy water.

The RAAF and Nolans used CT-18 and while great for the on-road grime it does have trouble with some of the muck left behind after being out in the scrub, some of the stains it just won't tuch............ My RAAF truck was the one the blokes didn't like to drive, I loved it, it was camo, in matt paint, no polishing, no bling, rims,bull barseven tank caps all painted whicle my Nolans rig was full bling and a ton of work to keep shiny, then a wet week covered in mud left stains in the shiny bits that nothing would remove........................... I wanted my rims and bar powder coated but they wouldn't be in it.

Anything that brings Gal up shiny also eats Gal I would steer clear of it.

The moral of the story is just don't look, life is too short to spend it polishing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
New boots on the Expanda yesterday.

POWERTRAC P235/75R15 109S

Ive never bought rubbish tyres but after much contemplation, I decided to roll the dice on some cheap Chinese imports as a bit of an experimental comparison to so-called quality branded tyres that they are replacing.

I had Toyo Open Countrys and at under 40k km (being very generous), 3 were well and truly past their use-by. At $250+ per tyre I wasnt overly impressed with them, so the mongrel Chinese donuts are getting a run at $110 per tyre, ordered online and delivered to the factory. The expectation is if I manage to 16k km Ill break-even price wise, and each km over that and Im in front. Its worth the exercise, because even if I only get 8k km the experiment has cost me $200.

Watch this space


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Put on Falken 235 /75R 15 s before trip up nth.Appear to be softer in the sidewalls than the old Adventuros .Van does not appear to as stable as before.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Put on Falken 235 /75R 15 s before trip up nth.Appear to be softer in the sidewalls than the old Adventuros .Van does not appear to as stable as before.
That's saying something, I found the original Adventuros horribly bouncing and couldn't get them off fast enough. The things I bought are vehicle rated not light truck, but the light truck equivalent in the same configuration had a significantly lower load rating. Time will tell, I may get bitten but it cant be too hard.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Tyre life in age seems to be the thing with the cheapies while distance is really irrelevant on vans age gets them first..... Deeper tread depth can give them the wanders, found that with Falkens and chinkies, tried different pressures.....They shod my truck once with chinky tyres, nearly landed in creek they had massive understeer empty, when loaded oversteer very scary for 20K km, I tried all sorts of sneaky things and couldnt wreck them....
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Tyre life in age seems to be the thing with the cheapies while distance is really irrelevant on vans age gets them first..... Deeper tread depth can give them the wanders, found that with Falkens and chinkies, tried different pressures.....They shod my truck once with chinky tyres, nearly landed in creek they had massive understeer empty, when loaded oversteer very scary for 20K km, I tried all sorts of sneaky things and couldnt wreck them....
My new Chinaman donuts spun up "very nicely", according to the tyre dude with not a lot of weight required so that's a positive start .... or maybe putting Chinese tyres on Chinese rims have cancelled each other out. I discovered yesterday, van tyres being balanced is a rarity apparently. My friend has a massive 23ft 3.5t Goldstream colossus and had his tyres balanced shortly after he bought the van (they came unbalanced). The tyre place struggled to balance them and had to keep deflating the tyres to rotate the rubber to find a sweet spot and minimise the weigh, even then he ended up weights the size of house bricks.

I pretty impressed with Tyroola and the entire online tyre purchasing experience. My tyres are dated June this year, bought them Wed and they arrived Fri. with blue paint on the branding and manufacturers labels on the tread

I noticed giving the wheels a little tweak that the wheel bearings are a little loose so Ill jump onto that on the weekend. Once I get some new shocks I won't know myself

Troopy home from the panel beater yesterday, they painted my 1972 sunvisor for me, so that will go on shortly. I start packing up the camp equipment tubs ready to throw in the back of the Troopy so I get out of Dodge as soon they roll up the barbed wire
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Pretty spot on Drover,the new Falkens are pretty chunky so the wanders may settle down a bit when worn.Probably shouldnt worry about A/Ts on vans


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
The rims on Big Mal are balanced, not a lot of lead either they are CSA Rims, have no idea where they are made only fitted the Yokies on to replace the Bridgestones because it does do a few Kms each year and cops the weather, in normal times they can get 15,000km a year .......... then again the great equalizer can be a bent, rusty nail...
How soon before you can escape at speed, get conflicting reports up here....................????


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
How soon before you can escape at speed, get conflicting reports up here....................????
After a few hundred people (Andrews failed to inspire) went and partied on St Kilda Beach last week Andrews came out threatening to keep the remaining 4.999 million Melb population locked up till next year as some kind of bizarre guilt by association punishment and show of power. If history repeats itself, when Andrews locks up the rest of us (who werent at St Kilda Beach) till next year as a result, he won't punish nor issue a single fine to those that were at St Kilda Beach and caused the lockdown .... and there isnt a single Covid case resulting from any of it.

He's like a pathetic petulant (and dumb) schoolboy, stamping his feet. He cants lead to save himself, but becomes enraged when no-one follows. These idiots are so far our of their depth its breathtaking. The entire Govt is an incompetent basket case, the populous has had a gut full, we have no credible plan, he destroying the state and we are helpless to counteract any of it. Its like visiting your old nutty uncle in the asylum and they've lock the doors on you.

When it comes to predicting what this flog will do next, we've never had any map out or credible plan at any point, just a series of random and mutually exclusive restrictions and threats based on this flogs best guess ... its incredibly difficult to predict stupidity, so who knows what will happen next.

Like many politicians Andrews has never lived in the real world, and never had a real job. He's been a bureaucrat and politician his entire meaningless life. He has no credible qualifications or real skills of any sort. After reaching the incredibly lofty heights of an Arts Degree, he went straight into his first job as a office monkey in an electoral office in country Vic, and he's not seen sunlight or common sense or normal people since. And now he's by default in charge of this fiasco and we're depending on his limited skills and life experience to find the solution. Its like a game of Catch a Pikachu in Pokemon Go

The latest is the bandanas, socks, hankys, teatowels, undies etc etc used as masks are now OUT and prohibited. Now the only acceptable mask has to be an actual mask, and by actual mask I mean anything that is shaped like a mask such as a bandanas, socks, hankys, teatowels, undies etc etc cut into the shape of a mask.

I've completely given up all hope now
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Disco Duck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2017
Adelaide South Australia
Mind you..............I still don't think I would like to be a political leader at the moment. I can imagine poor Scotty sitting down saying "What a time to win an election!!" Nobody has had any training in this and certainly no role model to copy. Yes, I do think Andrews is getting carried away with his own stupidity a bit, but where is the rest of the cabinet to rein him in.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Mind you..............I still don't think I would like to be a political leader at the moment. I can imagine poor Scotty sitting down saying "What a time to win an election!!" Nobody has had any training in this and certainly no role model to copy. Yes, I do think Andrews is getting carried away with his own stupidity a bit, but where is the rest of the cabinet to rein him in.
We have an oversubscription of the political, and not nearly enough of the leader. ;)
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