Just Browsing How important was an ensuite option for you (those with children)


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
Brisbane, QLD
Its not bad (besides when its really windy or in a storm), just to small. We have a king size bed at home so its a huge drop in size going to smaller than a double, I don't know why they don't make the inside part of the bed bigger, it would be very easy for them to do, would end up with a bigger tunnel boot as well..
As for noise its just like sleeping outside, you hear everything.
Damn! You are not convincing me @ShaneT on the Expanda at all....maybe I can pretend you didn't say it and it won't be true bahaha. It's currently top of my list for suitability (she says while looking at her king sized bed at home). I'm going to pretend the noise would be an issue in any caravan (because for me it probably will be).
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
I don't notice wind at all...unless it's blowing a gale and blows the rain in through the open windows.

I guess if you absolutely hate a tent, and find the unprotected bed ends on the Swan, Eagle etc too open to the elements then the Expanda bed ends will be worse than sleeping at home in your king size bed.

But that's camping ain't it?


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
Brisbane, QLD
I don't notice wind at all...unless it's blowing a gale and blows the rain in through the open windows.

I guess if you absolutely hate a tent, and find the unprotected bed ends on the Swan, Eagle etc too open to the elements then the Expanda bed ends will be worse than sleeping at home in your king size bed.

But that's camping ain't it?
No one goes camping to get a good night sleep surely? Well, maybe those with diesel heaters...... @Crusty181 ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Poor Crusty will think people a having a go at him. He might get sensitive.

At least he'll be warm.

Re discomfort of beds...etc etc.

I reckon we go camping to experience the joys of places other than where we live and that the camping experience, by definition, includes a certain amount of discomfort. It's not home and it would be very difficult to replicate all the comforts of home in a van capable of moving from one place to another.

The trick is to minimise the discomfort and maximise the experience and that's an individual preference.

In our case the challenge of cooking great meals while in beautiful places outshines the little bit of discomfort ....and sometimes it's great to challenge ourselves and find other ways to do things.

For example we have always had a great wine cellar at home so one of our challenges was to have good wine stored properly and available when camping.

Solution: carry a special padded plastic crate in the car and yes its called "the wine cellar".

Serenity serenity.....again.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2014
How does the wind affect it @ShaneT ?
Your not going to like this but it makes a noise :), it doesn't flap just kind of bangs as the whole bed end canvas blows up and then bangs back down again. But like I said the weather has to be bad which means its not much fun during the day either, the biggest thing is the size though.
I had a swan before the basestation so I knew what I was in for, If your worried about it you could hire one and go set it up near the beach for a few nights for a worse case type of thing, but if you are going to mainly do caravan parks you would be more protected from the extremes anyway.
Dobbie as for camping:puke: that's why I brought a van.....with a A/C, diesel heater, coffee machine, oven, toaster, shower, toilet, 215L fridge, 780watts of solar, but im still anti caravan park:rolleyes-88:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
We hired a expanda on a windy weekend and being slightly large :) was worried if it hold us as well;)
The 17 Starcraft was east/west double bed so a little squish, although have to say the 22 almost queen size Island bed is very nice.
I still really really like the 23 Basestation great for kids and the couch is fantastic.
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Aka PhilD
Mar 16, 2012
Near Darwin
One reason for us getting the WorknPlay was that while the other half will just keep using one of the bunks at the rear I get the other bunk for my cold weather bed and the front expanda for warmer weather. So far it's worked really well, but then again we can get as toasty warm as we like with the diesel heater.
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Aka PhilD
Mar 16, 2012
Near Darwin
is there some secret handshake with these Diesel Heater people :)
Not really, we just smile with inner smugness when we refuel the car on a trip and without moving the car we top off the heater tank and a jerry as well. Then we just pay for one transaction and move on knowing that we didn't have to disconnect and remove a gas bottle, lug it to the servo, try to find a matching size bottle that is still in service date then refit the bottle.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
is there some secret handshake with these Diesel Heater people.. :)

They are usually the smug people who can camp 20kms out of town in winter and not freeze to death.........................while the rest of us have to slum it in caravan parks, plugged into 240 with 2 heaters chuffing away while we are a short walk to the local pub with a roaring great fire, which we didn't have to cut the wood for, sitting back with a nice Bundy or 6..........................


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Hey you smugness!

Have to say I sleep far better in expanda ( or in any form of camping) than I do at home. I always get a better deeper sleep with no worry about rain, wind etc and wake up feeling totally refreshed.

That's why I love getting away.....the great sleep.

And I don't have a diesel heater.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well after 6 weeks or so away I'm starting to think of my mattress at home never have trouble sleeping anywhere though, military training means you can crash even standing up, in the rain with a poncho if your lucky.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
I know people have said a lot about the canvas bed ends, but to be honest they aren't really that bad. We had a swan first, and yes it was noisey when the rain hit as well as when it was windy, but the amount of canvas and plastic on it there was no doubt it would be like that.but it wasn't unbearable and we all managed to sleep (I am usually a very light sleeper too). We now have the panda wagon and it is heaps quieter. We have been in wind and rain (and a bit of hail) and it really isn't too bad. Once everyone is asleep you'll find it is the waves or the odd cricket or animal waking you up. If you are concerned, hire one for the weekend and go somewhere where you know it's windy to try it out. Otherwise, there are natural sleeping tablets (you can buy in woolies, etc) that a friend of mine swears by. Takes a week to work, but once they do , they work!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Whole family having a afternoon nap


Aka PhilD
Mar 16, 2012
Near Darwin
They are usually the smug people who can camp 20kms out of town in winter and not freeze to death.........................while the rest of us have to slum it in caravan parks, plugged into 240 with 2 heaters chuffing away while we are a short walk to the local pub with a roaring great fire, which we didn't have to cut the wood for, sitting back with a nice Bundy or 6..........................
Caravan Park? Jammed up against each other, can't put out awning and if anyone farts then the whole area knows about it. One bad place like that on first trip and not about to repeat it in a hurry.
Pub or Bundy? No problem as I gave up the stuff 30+ years ago so nothing to miss there.
Fire and cutting wood? Firstly what's a fire? So what would I need wood for as I'm not about to go in to cabinet making out there.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
Not really, we just smile with inner smugness when we refuel the car on a trip and without moving the car we top off the heater tank and a jerry as well. Then we just pay for one transaction and move on knowing that we didn't have to disconnect and remove a gas bottle, lug it to the servo, try to find a matching size bottle that is still in service date then refit the bottle.

Lol I find the fact that being able to fill my cruiser at a super hi flow truck stop in seconds more than convienent in the great access they afford with a van and the time saving more than makes up for the 30 second Inconvience it takes to swap over a bottle to one of my own in date spares at home. And if the van isn't used for 6mths months during the winter I don't have to worry about algae in the bottles or if jamed up in a beach side Caravan park like I was last week at cresecent head and it turns cold I don't need to be worried about Being inconsiderate to the poor family camping right by my exhaust!

OT bit Each to the own I'd happily have either given the circumstance and belive there's an argument for both pending. Nobody needs to justify thier chioce to anybody but themselves and Ofcourse SWMBO but as per this thread it seems often we do.
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