Wireless RV technology


Well-Known Member
Just reading the linked article regarding evolving technology that has seen its way into vans , tech that can do all manner of things like turning on the lights and controlling a vans brakes.
Me I just say I want to turn on a light with a switch that has 12 volt wired to the back of the switch and keep it simple so I can fix it when it doesn’t work. I’m happy to have technology that keeps my batteries charged but I don’t want to use my phone to see if my beer is cold in the fridge.
What do others think, smart Apps or KISS controlled vans?



Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
I'm a bit too OCD on monitoring stuff. Voltmeters everywhere, blinking lights and stuff. The inside of our van looks like Christmas at nighttime but it does have the advantage that I can find my way to the loo without falling over stuff and the fifty third tpms alarm was the real thing warning me of a nail.

different of course when something breaks and I have to fix it....


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
KiSS, ................................ if your a van park camper then the gimmicks are probably okay but not off grid, you need it to be functional and easy to maintain, not all your eggs in one basket sort of thing....... besides I can look at a gauge to check something, all done in 2 sec, no need to find phone, fire up app then fiddle to the selection besides they use power............ a manual switch beats them all and while I like led lights and displays the only WiFi in my rig is the internet..... I may be old but I'm not a dinosaur, I've always embraced functional tech and while some of the gimmicky stuff is cool, its just a gimmick really. Like in vehicles having a constant data stream is all well and good but if you don;t know what it means, then why bother ?

But I do have very cool hearing aids where my phone streams to them, now thats functional...........


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Beautiful Burrum Heads QLD
Being an auto electrician all my life one would think I would be into the latest stuff, but not a chance because I drink instant coffee only use the tv on the odd occasion as I’m seldom in reception and have a 3 way fridge. I have 1 x 120Ah AGM battery 1 x 130w solar panel on the roof and a portable 130W solar panel from Aldi ( Aldi have over 10,000 stores world wide and a multi story test facility so I know there gear is well researched) I have an 80Ah AGM in the car with a DC to DC charger to keep my beer cold and that’s me done lol
But the Jeep has way too much electronic stuff for my liking but there are some things we just can’t avoid I guess


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
South Morang, Victoria
Somewhere along the journey, we have forgotten that holidays are a chance to escape from work, home pressures and should be a time just to take it easy and relax. Now it seems that everyone wants all the mod cons of a house, need a tv and wifi all the time etc etc. No wonder van prices are going up and up and they are getting heavier and heavier.
You guessed it, let's keep it simple is what I say and enjoy the holiday without having to worry about everything and if it is working or not. Let's leave the world behind and go and explore without the pressure of day-to-day life. I guess it is different for those who live and work on the road, but there has to be a point where enough is enough.
Just my thoughts anyway.


Active Member
Mar 25, 2011
We have the wireless lights, not by choice, and they are great (as long as they keep working) and we have the batteries if they go flat. But I do dread the day that suddenly there are no lights and I have to fault find them.

As it is 2nd hand the previous owner scorched the awning because he used the awning led light switch to turn them off, but they where actually off and he turned them on with the awning rolled up.

So we use the all off button a lot.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Motor driven awnings are another headache ,more pivot points,slides to collect dirt etc.If they jam up when out and windy very hard to wind in ,if at all.arms bend easily .you have to unbolt the tracks off the van if damaged.Then three month wait for Jayco to repair .
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Bout sizes it all up @1DayIll ..................... Big Mal once I park up, set it level, drop legs, awning out if required same as portable panel, chairs out then throw up sat dish and tune in STB's and thats it till I need to top up water tanks, fridge does its own thing, charging does its thing, it usually takes us 15 mins at most for set up and then sit back............... I even use a prismatic compass to set up sat dish, though used my mates digital hand held unit once, very cool wasn't any quicker than my way but less stuffing round, its worth like $300 but my compass is worth a few hundred bucks as well...... and doesn't need batteries at all.


TPMS is also a worthwhile tool but many rely on it, forgetting it only lets you know when things have failed, TPMS won't show the nail hanging out of tyre until its a problem likewise the bubble, slash or chunk missing until too late, all these monitoring devices are a helping hand to your checks they don't replace them. The Mk 1 eyeball is still one of the best early warning detectors.