Generally we find our customers have issues with them running a/c's.
The usual concern will come from a customer who has come back after being in proper Australia (where it gets hot) saying the unit would hunt up & down, stall, blow smoke & basically cut in & out whilst generating power.
from what I can gather mostly this issue accurs in stinkin hot ambient temp & coupled with the gennies running the a/c's & they are sitting in the sun, we test them & there is never a fault found. I explain to our customers to run them in the shade, reduce the length of the extension lead as much as possible & make sure its a proper 15amp lead with 10 amp plugs!
I dont think overheating is a great big issue & it certainly wouldn't stop me from buying a Honda.
In all honesty it is an issue that has realistically only been reported to me on about a dozen times. for the amount we have sold I now am wondering why I even commented.......:dizzy:
My final suggestion would be "both brands are reliable & reputable" buy which ever suits your needs better, in my mind the biggest decision should be size & weight. The bad luck of overheating or even the need to make a warranty claim while you are off the beaten track should be almost never be required if good maintenance & careful use procedures are always followed.
remember Fuel goes stale very quickly especially while sitting carby's! so darin your fuel bowl. Change your oil at least once per year even if your gennie sits unused! if you use it make sure it's serviced accordingly! & most importantly think of the load you expect to draw from it. A certain killer of generators is anything with electric motors, like air conditioners! They draw so much load to start, run & cycle, if your running the a/c & kettle or microwave, whilst charging flat batteries with your fridge running on 240 & charging your Iphone & ipad & the kkids are also watching their DVD players, & youve got all the lights going.... all of this running on a 2kva gennie is alway going to cause issues!
Good luck
Big Gee