Weber Baby Q 100e

cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
Well I must have been good this year as Santa brought me a new Weber Q, he must of been seeing me check these out in the shops :happy:

Tonight is its 1st run and the meal of choice is a 1.5kg roast pork, I'll report in later and tell you how it went. Fingers crossed if its as good as it smells it should be tasty :hungry:

I know Bushman enjoys cooking in his and he takes it with him in his Expanda, so I think it will be something that will be joining us on our travels too :thumb:


New Member
Dec 30, 2011
Newcastle NSW
I do roasts in the weber - at 37 yrs of age I started using webers 4 years ago and wish my dad had of introduced me a lot earlier....................


Mar 18, 2011
Melbourne, Victoria
Good one Cruza....we bought a 100e a couple of weeks ago to use with the van and fired it up last weekend to see how it went. So easy to use and the food...YUMMY!!!

I look forward to hearing how your roast goes....but I have a feeling I know what you're going to report :)


PS. A tip I read on another forum which you might find handy is to put a piece of alfoil in the foil drip tray. This way when you've finished cooking you can easily discard the alfoil along with the fat....and it saves on buying more drip trays.
I tried it out and it works like a charm!

cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
Ok the Weber Q got christened tonight and what can I say but the Pork roast turned out better then I could have hoped for. We had a home grown salad on the side to top it off.
Here is a couple of pics after opening the was hard to not take a peek during the cooking process

The crackle peeled off the meat in one whole piece too

Thanks for the tip on putting foil in the drip tray too Doogle, I was going to but got to excited about firing it up I forgot this time :crazy:

cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
Thanks cancan

1st we evenly sliced the rind with a sharp knife being careful to not cut the meat below, then smeared vinegar all over it and placed it in the fridge for around an hour uncovered to dry out the skin. Then just before putting it in the Weber cover it in salt and olive oil.

I then heated up the weber to max heat for around 10-15 min and then put the roast in on a trivet with foil underneath the meat area only so the flame didn't burn the meat. I also put cuts in the foil so the fat could pass through and eliminate any flare ups. The roast was kept on max temp for 25 min.

After this period I snuck a quick look and it all looked good so I turned the Weber onto the lowest temp which stabilized at around 200.c with an in lid thermometer. It was a hot day so believe this is about right.

In all it was in the Weber for 1hr 45min with the last 15min or so with the Weber turned off to let it rest. It was 1.5kg Pork.

There is a good You Tube vids on how to cook in the Weber also. They are done by Weber bbq Australia. I got a few tips of there and the rest I did as trial and error.

Next on the menu is Pizza :hungry:


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Well done, CD (pun intended), looks really great. We also decided to get a BabyQ before Christmas and tried it out first with steaks and then with sausages but the thing smoked continuously. We have since taken it apart and cleaned it completely but as soon as it is fired up and starts getting hot, grey smoke starts pouring out again. So far not that impressed but will perservere. :pout: Open to any suggestions.
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cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
Well done, CD (pun intended), looks really great. We also decided to get a BabyQ before Christmas and tried it out first with steaks and then with sausages but the thing smoked continuously. We have since taken it apart and cleaned it completely but as soon as it is fired up and starts getting hot, grey smoke starts pouring out again. So far not that impressed but will perservere. :pout: Open to any suggestions.
Thanks CR, before cooking in mine I put it on high for 15-20min till it was nice and hot. Then I cleaned the grill with paper towel soaked in Olive Oil then using tongs and smeared the oil over the grill with the Weber turned off.

I then restarted it and heated it up again on high for another 10 min. So far so good.

Well done mate.nice looking roast
Thanks jd :tea:


Aug 25, 2011
Sale, Victoria, Australia
Fantastic looking Roast!!!.. I cooked my first Roast with the Weber BabyQ on Christmas.. Nothing like an experiment for the inlaws :p

Have to say, mine smoked well for the first 30 min, thence wasn't too bad.. Probably should have cleaned it better before starting.. Now, to find the 3m gas hose to connect it the Expanda's Bayonet fitting.. Have checked a lot of places, but no one had stock.. :-(

What's next on the Weber for cooking?

cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
Good idea testing it on the inlaws :lol:

When I ordered our Expanda I didn't get the extra bayonet, but I actually didn't even think about it :frown: I'm either going to just put a 'T' piece in at the bottle after the reg or call in a favour from my gas plumber mate :whip:

I also have to chase up a 3m hose too.

As for what's next I was thinking pizza, what roast did you cook shadow?

Capt. Gadget

Obsessive & Compulsive Gadget Man
Dec 1, 2011
Busselton W.A.
You can cook anything in them we had a BabyQ for a year then upgraded to the 200 with the high lid. We have heated Pies cooked Chips cooked Pizza (Just had to go out and turn the Steaks in the Webber) I regularly do a Sunday Roast in the Summer at home , we have even prepared lasagne at home then heated it up in the Webber while we are away. Best Money we have ever spent .


Aug 25, 2011
Sale, Victoria, Australia
I have now cooked a couple of Pork Roasts on the Weber.. The first, Christmas Day, the Crackling wasn't great so it had a couple of minutes under the grill. The second I had the Roast at Max Temp for ~ 30 Min to start and it was much better..

I think Pizza's are the next on my list.. I wonder if there is a pizza stone to fit the Weber Q100 series?


Forum Moderator
Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Wollondilly Shire NSW
Good idea testing it on the inlaws :lol:

When I ordered our Expanda I didn't get the extra bayonet, but I actually didn't even think about it :frown: I'm either going to just put a 'T' piece in at the bottle after the reg or call in a favour from my gas plumber mate :whip:

I also have to chase up a 3m hose too.

As for what's next I was thinking pizza, what roast did you cook shadow?

got my 3m hose with bayonet fitting from BBQ Galore

I also line the bottom of the Webber with foil as well as the drip tray, a bit fiddley but saves a far bit of cleaning. oh and with ya need new drip trays you can usually get fron the supermaket or the the discount stores, no need to buy the Webber ones.

If anyone has trouble getting longer gas hose let me know I'll see what my local store has from memeory a 3 meter with Bayonet was around $60.


Mar 18, 2011
Melbourne, Victoria
I purchased the weber 3m hose with bayoney fitting when i purchased the 100e and they guy called their head store to confirm the correct hose to be used and it is a rubber hose.

He also was told to make specific mention to me that it is possible that using the 3m hose may result in slightly less gas pressure which means that the weber may need to cook for a little longer as it may not get as hot.
Not sure if anyone else has been told this or has experienced this when using the longer hose, but this was what i was told.

I was happy enough with that and purchased the hose ($67 from memory), but havent yet used it whist connected to the Expanda, ive only used it with the standard hose and a small gas bottle.



Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2011
Maudsland Gold Coast Hinterland Qld
Hey CD we love our 100E too. we got ours to use in our expanda but it now gets a lot of use at home as well. Did all our Christmas meat in the weber this year, cooked a 3.5kg Turkey, couple of Chickens and a roast pork. Our other BBQ hardly ever gets used now. If you haven't already got one buy the weber triangle cleaning brush, it makes cleaning the grill a snap, just dip the brush in water and and clean the plate while it is still hot.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
North Rothbury
We love our Weber too! Also use it a lot at home not just with the van (though that was why it was purchased).
Chartrock - persevere with it - it is worth mastering!!
