Victorian Police Caravan Blitz


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Yellow Pages or Mr Google...........Public weighbridge for your area and bingo you will find a public weighbridge, being public all can enter to get weighed on registered scales, issued a weigh bridge ticket and charge a fee......they just record your weight, do not offer advice or provide regulations....have been around for donkey's. All states and territories have them and they are regularly tested to comply by Weights and Measure's.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
I guess I was likening them all to the one at Burpengary....I've never seen a truck in there ...ever...for years.

The Caboolture one was much better.....and I wouldn't expect them to offer's not their function.

But I'm sure most people have no idea of where they are, even if they look up the yellow pages! You have to have at least a certain level of awareness to know their function. If you're not in the industry, those details pass you by.

(And my damn iPad won't let me type w e i g h turns it into weightbridge .....Apple again knows better)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
If you mean the places on either side of the highway at Burpengary, they are Inspection Stations not Weighbridges, they are by invitation only, something you don't want to happen.
Some have a permanent scale set up but nowadays they mostly are portable units and those trucks you see set up on the pads on the highways, the Shaker can weigh, test brakes and they give your vehicles a good going over, you can always tell one as there is usually a line of empty cars along the side of the road that have failed.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Thats a brave move @davemc, if your GCM was over or they thought the rig was a bit suss you could be up for a mandatory donation to the state's coffers. I can but assume that the overweight fine for vans would be the same as trucks so it would be a big surprise..........

I would advise against anyone going into a Heavy Vehicle Inspection Station in any state without an invitation, they are there to check compliance, if you don't comply it's not a stern talking you get, it's a big flamin fine and park over there till you comply, the colour of your rego plate doesn't mean a thing, they not only check weight but all the other things relating to a vehicle being roadworthy.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Now I know! o_O

As I said, I didn't realise they were different...ignorance is no excuse but the ones we used looked to be the same.

and I certainly wasn't aware of the implications if we'd rolled up to that uninhabited one at Burpengary....and there are always lots of cars parked there.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
When they are closed they are just a car's when they are open that they offer invitations, usually to truckies only but you can find in QLD pads will have cops and transport fellas there and they will do On The Spot roadworthy's, licence checks and all the other fun things.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
Was no one there officially that I saw @Drover was just open for checking only hence I drove in. We are under our GCM by around 720kgs.
Which was what I expected.
We be close on GVM and ATM as we where pretty loaded bikes, water, food, clothes, annex etc so that be the heaviest we would get. I did not remove anything as I was planning to weigh it at local tip. I did the car (without wife/TBM) the week before so I was going to do both as I had the TBM from home. Although yet again we headed out late :)

I normally leave the 3 water tanks full although thinking I might start dumping the first tank. Unless free camping I then will normally not have annex :)
Front tank half the time does not gravity feed into the second tank anyway :)
Although I was told by a few people normally to travel with tanks full as lowers centre of gravity so we normally always do.
Might dump two front tanks and see next trip how it tows. I say it take 20-40kgs off ball weight and drop 160kg of ATM.
Do not need the 160kg off ATM although everything counts now we added the bullbar to the Disco GVM wise.

Here is a good article on it
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
Although I was told by a few people normally to travel with tanks full as lowers centre of gravity so we normally always do.

I never carry water, if I want a drink - I have bottled water
hook hose in for anything else

yes at Caravan parks

not doing free camping yet


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
and all these write up don't really say much............................


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
thats because, nearly word for word, they are exactly the same
slight "tweaking" of some sentences
but pretty much the same

was a great idea
even better it was an educational thing for both Van 's and Plod


there are some now who are trying to push their barrow for having mandatory testing and licensing for towing
all because 41 out of a possible 80 were over weight

ahhh well, see what happens
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Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Just got a reply from the organisers to say they are booked out and I will be put on a waiting list. >:(
Just re-activating this thread, I am off on Saturday to Toowoomba for a free caravan and vehicle inspection mentioned earlier in this thread. I was knocked back for the one on the Gold Coast (it was booked out) and was ultimately offered a position in the Toowoomba session. They have asked for the info from the VIN plate on a form on which will be written the real figures as they weigh them plus they want the van loaded as if we were off on a trip so we will have full tanks and gas bottles but we will not load up with food for a short trip. Wealso have to remain in the car so obviously they will take our weight into account. (I may have to skip breakfast Saturday morning :D)
We may stay till Monday to make the trip worthwhile and I'll report back when we get home on the results