UHF - why aren't they used?


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2014
UHF........forum for appalling language.

I use my indicator to assist people get past me.....but when the speed limit is 100 and I'm doing it, am I assisting people break the law?

Its still the descision of the driver to exceed the speed limit. You indicating that its OK does not require them to take the action


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
I think its dangerous to rely on someone "putting indicators on" to let you know its safe to pass

what happens if they are turning right at the time...........................

hence why I will ask the truckie if its ok a head (they have a far better view than me) and wait............
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
I have only ever seen it 3 times in 40 years of heading around all over WA

truck driving along (road trains, 2 triple & 1 double) truckie indicates to turn right, idiot behind starts to overtake, then slam on the brakes

all near misses (thankfully)

but enough to give you a "WTF......" moment

I have even seen a certain Trucking firm, their drivers sometimes forget to turn their indicators off after they have over taken
followed one guy one night up to Geraldton, 10km his indicator was on, until I called him up and asked him to turn it off - he never even knew it was on..............
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Jul 31, 2016
UHF........forum for appalling language.

I use my indicator to assist people get past me.....but when the speed limit is 100 and I'm doing it, am I assisting people break the law?

I must admit I have not found this. I don't use the UHF in Sydney or on the freeways but when on the single lane highways in western NSW, I found I only had to turn my UHF off once for language on ch40
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA
Im just a bit grumpy after 14mths mooching around Aus ... and now finding myself not mooching around Aus any more.
My original response to your post @Crusty181 was going to be...... "Sounds like you need a holiday" :behindsofa:

Back to topic..... I do pretty much the same as most with the UHF. Turn it on when leaving but volume down until I hit the outskirts of the Metro area. Monitor Ch 40 most of the time and flick over to 18 if there's a few vanner's around.

I used to get the right indicator notification quite a lot in the early days when I did a fair bit of traveling through the wheatbelt but the only times I would pass was if the truckie flicked his high beam on to give me a good view of what was ahead.

Had one driver of an unladen semi come up behind me pretty quick heading up Red Hill on the way to Toodyay once. (Those familiar with the hill would know that the old Prado would struggle with the 17'er behind it :rant: ). When I replied he had a chuckle and asked if I wanted him to give me a push up the hill? :pound:... We had a bit of a laugh and I told him I'll make room for him as soon as I can. Must have been a local, or regular traveller along there, as he said not to worry as there is a small straight stretch of road 2 K's ahead and he'll make his way around when we get there.

Sure enough two bends later and there is the stretch of road he was talking about and around he goes with a blast of the air horn. 15 minutes later we get to Gidgeganup and there he is eating smoko out the front of the bakery waving as we go by!