i just got back from our first 3 week trek with the new van. Had a fantastic time with the family and was everything I'd hoped it would be. Family is planning next trip already.
One point though that surprised me was the lack of uhf usage by vans in the bush. I saw many vans, not on uhf just holding up traffic incl big trucks with either no care or no idea. This forced trucks to over take in dangerous ways and it amazed me the risk being created by the fact towers did not talk to trucks.
All trucks are on channel 40.
Get a uhf. If you see a truck coming up, give him a call up, tell him you'll pull over in next layby spot and he can get past you. Usually they even tell you where next spot is. You can slow down, he can sail by and everyone stays safe.
Sorry for rant, but I just saw so much unnecessary risk being taken that could be a ameliorated by the use of uhf, it frankly pi55ed me off.
One point though that surprised me was the lack of uhf usage by vans in the bush. I saw many vans, not on uhf just holding up traffic incl big trucks with either no care or no idea. This forced trucks to over take in dangerous ways and it amazed me the risk being created by the fact towers did not talk to trucks.
All trucks are on channel 40.
Get a uhf. If you see a truck coming up, give him a call up, tell him you'll pull over in next layby spot and he can get past you. Usually they even tell you where next spot is. You can slow down, he can sail by and everyone stays safe.
Sorry for rant, but I just saw so much unnecessary risk being taken that could be a ameliorated by the use of uhf, it frankly pi55ed me off.
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