Cabin was a bit unstable. It had moved off its foundations by about 2 feet or so. Managed to get in for a couple of minutes so we could retrieve a couple of things, most importantly was my wifes Aunty's ashes. She lived up there and passed away last year so we kept them there until the whole family could come up to scatter them. They were still intact, thankfully..
This is the boat, where we left it 2 weeks ago.....normally it would be closer to the cabin and it would have been destroyed by the debris, the flat piece behind the boat is the floor from one of the other cabins.............they weigh 7 tonnes each!!!
This is whats left of the site where those cabins were...
To top off our day, half way home this happened to the boat...
Spent an hour and a half beside Lake Nillacootie waiting for a flatbed towtruck to take it home.
Thank god for Club Marine assist.....(no spare on the boat trailer)
Good times, good times...