Got too many torches!!! I think someone else has already mentioned the word "fetish"!!!
Led Lenser P6 in the glove box of the Pathfinder. Great for camping, hiking etc
Maglite LED 3xD cell. These have a great beam. Picked them up from Catch of the Day for $29 -One in the Landcruiser, one in the Pathfinder, one in the caravan and one under the bed!!!

25 year old mini maglite with LED upgrade kit. Stored in the Landcruiser glove box

Petzl Tikka Plus - Love this head torch. Always use it to set up the caravan (cause we always arrive in the dark). Great for tent camping, hiking etc

Black Diamond Spot - Great head torch, chews through the batteries though. This one lives in the Caravan as a spare / emergency back up
LED Lenser V6 - Don't know what to do with this one. Bought for $5 on Catch of the Day when I bought the Mags. It's kind of useless, but looks and feels nice
Ay Ups (helmet and bike mounted) - super light, super blinding bright LED lights for the treadly
There's a few other EverReady's etc around the place. But the above are my favorites. I know...I have a problem!!