Theft has destroyed our planned get away in 2 weeks - Dirty Ba***rds


New Member
Oct 16, 2011
Geelong (Vic) police rang just after lunch today to advise that the place where I store my van was broken into over the weekend. Apparently mine being the newest was hardest hit of the 6. They seemed to have plenty of time and not tripped any alarms while removing my ibis air conditioner (yes 45 kg according the the air command website), removed battery, charger and invertor for good measure then onto TV including bracket and even the remote stored in the cupboard. Ever cupboard including bathroom vanty was open (yes we threw out tooth brushes already) and can't figure out how they gained access to front boot, mattress was all out of place so perhaps from inside but lock like door is know very stiff so may have used a special key/tool to gain access . Jayco Geelong had already had another in today with same marks on lock, tv gone, etc

Apparently Geelong area is very bad at present but specifically around caravans. Mine certainly looks like someone with knowledge. Please beware as this has now ruined our holiday. Insurance process, repairs alone I have early indications of minimum 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
Sorry to hear mate, hope you get things sorted so you can get away again soon. These scum bags don't deserve to be fed!


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2012
Holy hell! So sorry to read this. Many choice expletives come to mind which I could easily use to describe these vermin, but I won't risk being booted from this forum.
Good luck mate.


Active Member
Aug 23, 2011
Sunshine Coast Qld

Sorry to hear about this that's really bad news. That really sucks. There are some scumbags out there who must be doing up a van by the sound of it. Yes insurance will probably fix the van but not your ruined holiday.
Sounds like the storage facility need to do a security upgrade also.I would be keeping a eye on ebay,trading post etc
I just hope they catch the mongrels.


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
What a bummer! Some of these oxygen wasters think they have a right to help themselves to other peoples property. Trouble is, if they are caught, they will either get a slap on the wrist and let loose to do it again, or they will be set up in gaol with 3 meals a day, TV, gym facilities, internet etc and learn how to do things with less chance of being caught. :mad2:

Good luck with your insurance, I hope you can have some sort of holiday anyway.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2011
Wandin North, Vic
That sucks big time....(I'd use more expletives, but not sure if there is a swear filter or not).

Friends of my in-laws "almost" had their entire van stolen from a van storage area a couple of years ago.

The storage place was an open paddock, basically, with a chain mesh fence around it and just inside the perimeter was a moat (it wasn't big, just deep enough to not be able to drive through)
The only way across the moat was a bridge at the main entrance.
Anyway, thieves cut the rear fence that backs onto some factories and they had earlier stolen a bobcat and used that the fill in the moat.

They had already taken 5 vans when the cops finally turned up and my in-laws friends van was sitting there, all prepped to be hooked up next.

Needless to say, they now have a 24hr guard there, floodlights, etc etc...


Sep 5, 2011
SE Brisbane
And it's not the fact that the gear is gone, it's the stuffing around you have to do now for the next couple of months just to get back to square one.

If you lived closer I'd offer you my van for the holiday so you could at least still do that... ;)

Sorry to hear. Hope it works out ok with the insurance. Keep us posted how your dealings go as this will be a very good test case for this situation for the rest of us...


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2012
Brisbane - Carindale
Hi Jay70,
Same from our Family, sorry to hear about your situation. That's a real bummer, unfortunately the best we can offer is our well wishes and wishes for a speedy rectification.

For the rest of the members a question, which may help Jay70 and others in the future, has anyone fitted security to their Vans, particularly around motion sensors inside the van with ideally GSM alerts. I have googled some Wireless systems but does anyone have practical knowledge or experience?



Staff member
Feb 2, 2012
Sydney, NSW
Hi Jay70,
Same from the Elmer Family, sorry to hear about your situation. That's a real bummer, unfortunately the best we can offer is our well wishes and wishes for a speedy rectification.

For the rest of the members a question, which may help Jay70 and others in the future, has anyone fitted security to their Vans, particularly around motion sensors inside the van with ideally GSM alerts. I have googled some Wireless systems but does anyone have practical knowledge or experience?


Hi Holden Man

Check out this thread...


Active Member
Jul 26, 2012

Geelong (Vic) police rang just after lunch today to advise that the place where I store my van was broken into over the weekend. Apparently mine being the newest was hardest hit of the 6. They seemed to have plenty of time and not tripped any alarms while removing my ibis air conditioner (yes 45 kg according the the air command website), removed battery, charger and invertor for good measure then onto TV including bracket and even the remote stored in the cupboard. Ever cupboard including bathroom vanty was open (yes we threw out tooth brushes already) and can't figure out how they gained access to front boot, mattress was all out of place so perhaps from inside but lock like door is know very stiff so may have used a special key/tool to gain access . Jayco Geelong had already had another in today with same marks on lock, tv gone, etc

Apparently Geelong area is very bad at present but specifically around caravans. Mine certainly looks like someone with knowledge. Please beware as this has now ruined our holiday. Insurance process, repairs alone I have early indications of minimum 4 weeks.

Keep an eye on your local cash converters where most oxygen wasters sell their stolen goods. E bay for the AC unit perhaps?
I hope they sort out the insurance fast and your back on the road soon.


Forum Moderator
Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Wollondilly Shire NSW
Low life peaces of scum sucking cow manure, where do these peaces of crap get off destroying/stealing peoples property they they worked so hard for, fair dinkum, a public flooging would be to goods for these peaces of poo.

Hope you get it sorted real soon


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2012
Brisbane - Carindale
Hi jay70,
Wanted to thank you for sharing your story, it has motivated me to purchase a gps tracker for the van, bought the one bigman recommends in the security thread. Without these real life stories, I wouldn't have taken the risks when storing a van as seriously, I probably would have gone with the, "it won't happen to me" excuse, but your story has opened my eyes.
Thanks, hopefully everything is working out for you guys, and things are getting sorted quickly.


Active Member
Sep 27, 2011
Sorry to hear mate, all the best on getting it all sorted... Quick question on this if you dont mind. Is this covered under your insurance or the storage joint? My view would be that it should be the storage joint that is liable and covering damages, no?



May 28, 2012
Pricks! I hate stories like this, people's trips being stuffed around by otheres....if its not a thief stuffing you around, its some twit who rear ends you a week before a scheduled big trip!

What is it with van theft etc in Victoria? Is there some sort of black market down there on vans and parts? Do you just rock up to the front bar of a pub in the bogan end of town and get offered a van or a part with your schnooer (sorry, pot)?

Perhaps there's a stall at Collingwood home games?:smile:

Apparently there have been over 30 vans stolen in Geelong over a two month period so there must be something going on .