The What Did You Do On The Weekend Thread!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
NIce fish Dave, very impressed .................. when I get out to the Balonne I'm sure to be able to post a pic of the biggest Carp ever......
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2014
We have started thinking about our next trip, probably staying in SA maybe in March Next year.
Will need to get the Sea Dragon home, clean it up, replace all of the stored water in the tanks, replace anode and flush heater tank etc,etc.
Still not sure if i am string enough yet after my C surgery to do any heavy work even though that’s been 9 months ago.
Recovery is a long and arduous journey! Really want to get out again, our last planned trip Nov ‘19 was aborted after my diagnosis and chemo/radio therapy started last October. The beast has basically been sitting on the charger in our garage since last July ‘19 with only the occasional jaunt to make sure everything still works. Not sure if i should flush out half of the old diesel and refill. Opinions?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I sure hope your improving, it does take time........As for the diesel if its just halffull top it up contrary to the bench tops it will still burn okay or drain and blend it with fresh stuff, no use dumping it, give the heater a good half hour burn at full noise....I run mine for 20 mins every other month, the tank is never emptied.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2014
I sure hope your improving, it does take time........As for the diesel if its just halffull top it up contrary to the bench tops it will still burn okay or drain and blend it with fresh stuff, no use dumping it, give the heater a good half hour burn at full noise....I run mine for 20 mins every other month, the tank is never emptied.
I was talking about my BeasT50, i assume you are talking about the diesel heater, yes?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
:D:becky::biggrin-new::biggrin1::biggrin:............. I thought diesel heater, nah just go for a burn it will be good, get it all up to a good operating temp, if its just done tootling to corner shop then a nice long gentle run to get everything flowing would be good, the fuel wouldn't be a drama really but I would give it an oil and filter change first, go for a decent run and after a couple of hundred Kms give the oil/fuel filters another change , then any goobers should be flushed into the them...... moisture/condensation build up in exhaust, sump, fuel tank needs to be burnt out hence the change oi land filter, go for a nice long gentle drive which should sort things out, eventually when you have a few hundred Kms clocked up replace the filters, soon as you run down your fuel a bit top up and just keep it topped up till youv'e run a tank thru it, no need to dump the fuel....
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2014
:D:becky::biggrin-new::biggrin1::biggrin:............. I thought diesel heater, nah just go for a burn it will be good, get it all up to a good operating temp, if its just done tootling to corner shop then a nice long gentle run to get everything flowing would be good, the fuel wouldn't be a drama really but I would give it an oil and filter change first, go for a decent run and after a couple of hundred Kms give the oil/fuel filters another change , then any goobers should be flushed into the them...... moisture/condensation build up in exhaust, sump, fuel tank needs to be burnt out hence the change oi land filter, go for a nice long gentle drive which should sort things out, eventually when you have a few hundred Kms clocked up replace the filters, soon as you run down your fuel a bit top up and just keep it topped up till youv'e run a tank thru it, no need to dump the fuel....
My son runs Ross Aiston Motors here in Adelaide and he does the servicing. Yes, wil definitely get a fuel and oil filter change & service before we go on a trip with the Sea Dragon (Panda 14.44-5) cheers


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Thats really cool, wish one of mine did a proper job like that one kills bugs and things, other hits head against wall trying to make Pollies see sense and the last one runs service stations but no workshop..................son in laws a builder so you'd never get anything done, even his daughter asks me to build stuff, "Dads hopeless" she says.


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Spent 4 hours wandering around the Gold Coast Caravan Show today. Spent $9 on two coffees (or Mrs CR did :D ). Literally hundreds of vans but Jayco not there. All getting larger, fancier and more expensive so we very quickly lost interest. Checked out a lot of hybrids but they too are getting expensive but I can’t get over how heavy they are. 15’ hybrids are coming in at 2225 kms Tare and with up to 700 kms load capacity they top out at 3000 kms ATM with tow ball wt of 180 kms (empty). It makes it easier to understand people thinking they have bought a “small“ van they can tow with their undersized tug.

Not much in extras to tempt me, had a good look but nothing caught my eye so my wallet survived another van show. :clap2:


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2014
Thanks @Bluey, I would love to take you up on the offer but Mrs CR would confiscate my credit card before I left home. :D And she corrected me, the coffee was $10.20 for small cups. Rip off mongrels. >:(
Thats ok brother or uncle im good for a loan at the moment cashed up waiting for a 20 foot expanda to come my way had one lined up in Newcastel was going there this weekend but he then said and i quoat .... what time you comming saturday im going out to a birthday saturday arvo leaving 2 pm be here before then ...... i said you know im comming from melb god knows what time im there but 2 pm no will be more like 3 to 4 pm ........he says i dont want to leave party its 20 mins from home .....
I said keep the van i thought 60 odd grand would be worth leaving a party and going back would be time well spent thats why im in port fairy should be in nsw Orange was my stop tonight to see rellows oh well


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Beautiful Burrum Heads QLD
I'll tell you what you will miss @Bluey going from a 17:56 to a 20' van, there is nowhere to put the toaster and kettle on top of the cupboards because they now go to the roof, you will use more fuel with a full size van (my brother told me if you can afford a cruiser you can afford the fuel anyway). I recon my 17:56 was lighter and more airy with the top unzipped and both ends open there is a lot more air flow in (probably wont notice that in VIC though) but you will enjoy the extra room for sure, I still miss the expanda but not the crawling into bed. Don't worry one will turn up eventually I'm sure maybe after school holidays and in winter?