no camping this weekend. House chores to be done to catch up after being away for two weeks up to Pink Lakes.
But, the good news is that my inline switches have arrived from China and today I was able to finish off installing the LED strip light just above the bed head on our Penguin. Managed to mount the switch vertically nicely between the side of the bedhead and the cupboard, ran the wires from the LEDs behind the bedhead entering the side of the switch, exiting the other side of the switch into the cupboard, down to the wheel well, under the bed, into the Jayco 12V loom and into a separate fuse on the Setec. The only visible wiring is a few mm from at the end of the LED before it disappears behind the bedhead.
Also neatened up the wiring around the Setec by adding a couple of cable ties to take the weight of the cables off the connectors.
Got so enthusiastic, I got the vacuum cleaner out and gave the whole floor area and under the bed a thorough vacuum AND washed the floor. Do I love this Penguin or not!