Showers and Toilets


New Member
Feb 15, 2014
Hi peoples just found this forum the other day :)

Showers and toilets, we are looking to buy an expanda over the next 6 months we have two small children but something we/I need to think about is a toilet and shower we will be purchasing second hand.

I am not a small fella so the showers are a bit small but the wife likes the thought of a inside toilet for the kids and her during the night but we feel a shower toilet combo is a bit claustrophobic (we have a open door policy at home :) yes we like to share) so maybe just a toilet is that possible.

I have seen those shower tents but even they seem a bit small link they also seem a bit light.

So was just wondering what options there are or mods that could be done.

Any ideas would help



Staff member
Feb 2, 2012
Sydney, NSW
Each to his own, but I would never get a caravan without a shower and toilet. We have 3 children and it is pure luxury to be able to wash and toilet them before bed without getting rained or muddy etc. I am also partial to a quick shower before bed so I love it for that reason. I am average in size, but find it more roomy than I had imagined.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
We decided not to go shower/toilet route.. See if we regret it in a few years once we get the van.
Got an external shower as compromise when free camping and will get a porta loo for emergencies..
With 4 kids and my wife I thought I be doing a empty trip every few hours :) Also if we got one in the Starcraft we picked then we would need to use the dinette for the twins. I do not think it will be long before they like some more space. I really wanted separate beds for the kids.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
North Queensland
Depending on how big you wanted to go. Our 20.63.1 on order has a separate toilet/shower. It is very roomy. I don't think I could do the combo but again, if we were restricted with van size, I would rather go the combo than none at all.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2013
Central West NSW
G'day, highly recommend the s/t combo in the van. I'm not a little fella either, but I can and have had a shower a few times and it's not uncomfortable. Not having to get up and go outside to protect the kids from drop bears in the middle of the night is also worth it, especially in the rain, when drop bears like to come out. :) Lastly, if you need to be convinced not to get a portable ensuite tent to allow external facilities, go down to your local BCF or similar store and try and get one back in the bag it comes out of. (try checking a few funny videos on youtube)


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2013
200km south of Perth
Toilet is a must, whether it's in the van or outside in a tent. Never had any problem finding a place to empty it either. Shower is not so important. We have one in the van but very rarely use it.. Only when free camping, we also cary a portable shower so we can use a bucket of not so good water rather than tank water


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
Hey mate and welcome to the forum. We have a 16-49.3 OB. It has the toilet shower combo. We have a 2 and half year old. Our reason for getting the model with the toilet shower was so that we had the toilet when our daughter needed it, especially at night time and also so she does not need to use shared amenities. You also get hot water as standard with the shower models. Im not sure if it is standard with the models that do not have the shower?

We actually use the shower basically as a bath for our little one. She loves it. There is enough height in the base to allow this.

Reflecting on our decision, there is no way that i would purchase a van without a toilet shower. You can be in the middle of no where, and if nature calls, just pull up, jump in the van and your done. :)

Good luck with your decision.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
If you don't buy a S/T with kids I bet you do down the track...
Given they are much more common these days - go for it. S/T for me.
Remember the shower is probably only a 'sometimes' thing. It's really about the loo (Esp. with kids).
PS we had a pop up shower tent and pota potti for years. It worked for us but the kids thought it was 'dad's comedy routine when I went to fold up the pop up tent! 30 seconds to set up..... F*^%#$ing ages to pack up!


(aka maccayak)
Mar 20, 2012
We used a toilet in the annexe for night time, worked well for us and a good quality toilet is not expensive. We had the Thetford battery flush one. It was very quiet and clean, and a normal height, not low like a lot of them. Just one rule. No 2's in it.


Forum Moderator
Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Wollondilly Shire NSW
Shower/dunny for us also, just so handy, for all the reason list above already and then some. though I look forward to the day we can go to full ensuite without getting a monster van, cause it's usually me that ends up drying the combo out so the dunny can be used without getting wet, but I get over it.
In saying that, like some above shower usually only used when free camping or poor weather outside.

Oh! we did the Porta-Potti/Shower tent thing with the camper.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
Hi there @Expendable, our first van had no shower/toilet, we used a porta potti in a add on room off the annexe which was good but just adds to setup time. We now have a shower/toilet model and wouldn't be without one. Not sure how big you are but I'm 6'4" and 115kg's and I can shower quite comfortably in ours but I did remove the curtain to give me more room. I find the toilet doesn't get wet much without the curtain, then last one to shower.....usually me, wipes it out! :)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2013
Bargo NSW
Depends where and how you intend to use the van. Caravan parks - you probably don't need it. Get yourself a cheap portable toilet for the kids to take a leak in at night, they can just use it inside and then put outside when finished. If your got boys just get yourself a sturdy bucket.
I grew up with 6 brothers, when we caravaned just before bed time we each took a moment facing the door with the bucket. Younger first as the bucket got heavy towards the end.

If you intend to go to remote spots or do more touring as others have said toilet is the way to go.
I know you mentioned buying second hand, but still go to a Jayco yard and dry test the toilet/shower for your size.
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Glen Bundesen

Active Member
Jan 12, 2014
Perth WA
Agree with all the above - but I put in a shower curtain into our 16.49.3. Am looking forward to having an ensuite with a separate shower - eg like the 14.44.5! Think that will be my next van as we do downsize and like to free camp as much as possible.
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Active Member
Nov 19, 2013
I wouldn't have a van without a shower and toilet, now that we have it (our old van didn't). We used to use a popup ensuite tent with a portable toilet in it, and a 12v shower we'd run from a bucket of water warmed on the fire (only for bush camping - didn't bother when staying at caravan parks). I think the bottom is about a metre square so there is plenty of space to move around in the tents. We also peg them down at the bottom, and ours also has rope ties on the side to keep it stabilised. Personally, I wouldn't bother with one that has poles - too much trouble. We have the Oz-Trail ones that cost about $50 when they're on sale.

Pros of having an ensuite in the van: don't have to walk the kids to the toilet in the middle of the night; don't have to leave the van on wet or cold nights for a damp porta-potty or the freezing amenities block; less chance of encountering bite-y creatures than when walking to/using porta-potty; if you're sick, you're not far from a toilet/shower; you don't have to deal with dirty facilities; you can use it as a back up (or even storage) if there are perfectly good facilities onsite; you don't have to line up and wait for a shower; it's what your wife wants, man!

It's not something you can add in later, so it's better to have it and not use it than regret not getting it in the first place. I'm not a fan of the enclosed space, either, but the convenience is HUGE. We still use park showers and toilets, but the thing is that now we have the choice.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2013
Kangaroo Valley
I am in the minority here but then we have never had one, we have the outside hot shower and the porta potti set up, and never had any problems free camping or van park and we have 2 kids, one boy , one girl. Wife has always said she likes the extra bench space/room in the van. If potti has correct chemicals in it, it never smells and fits perfectly under wardrobe. Can still be used one person at a time in the van anywhere you wish to pull up then stored in bottom cupboard till you find somewhere to empty it at a later date.
That said....... I would get an ensuite van if it was only the 2 of us and not need/want the extra space. Horses for courses. Barney


New Member
Feb 15, 2014
lol thanks peoples was waiting this to turn into one shitty thread 8-) but it didnt lol.

So I guess a Combo it will be then yes i do plan on free camping when the kids get a bit older parks will be first on the list though.

We have a four year old a a one year old the older loves a good old bush wee actually quite happy to hang it out anywhere we have to be careful of that as you can imagine.
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