Sandflies/Midgies - Protection and treatment advice please


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Tried that baby oil and detol concoction ,doesn't work for me. None of the home remedies work for me.I have had such a bad reaction to just one bite ended up in ER also had steroid cream when bites were infected.Soov has got anesthetic in it and the only thing I have tried that works.
Maybe I am special :laugh:

Then there are two of us....special to sand flies and anything else that bites.

I carry antihistamines and steroid cream and, one year after having a great time fishing at Baffle Creek, found I had multiple sandfly bites. I didn't even notice them at the time as I was catching fish! (@Drover that was my last really successful fishing episode) I tried everything but they just got worse, and then got infected and I ended up quite ill.

I don't muck around with them at all now but I still have scars on my legs from that episode.

Baffle Creek was a great place, great fishing, good camping but....the sandflies are vicious!

I think there's a sliding scale of susceptibility and if you're at one end,you suffer and if you're lucky enough to be at the other end you tend to think it's not a problem.

I'm itchy just thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Beautiful Burrum Heads QLD
I must have been a woman in my past life, bloody things love me, apparently the chemist here has a home made remedy I just havent visited them yet.
The mention of baby oil always makes me smile, I have a mate who is a rose farmer and tried baby oil to stop a particular pest, he went to the supermarket and bought a dozen bottles, the check out chick commented on the amount, he just told her he had a squeeky baby at home :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I camped in the truck at Clairview Qld once, fitted the fly screens to my windows so I could get some airflow in the cab for the night, ended up getting eaten by the little mongrels they got thru the screen, had a skeeta coil going on the dash and still they came, my mate and I fired up our rigs and left after only a couple of hours, worst time ever.

Have been told to eat certain foods regularly and they leave you alone, just can't remember what but I think other people will leave you alone as well.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
I used to know this old Sicilian guy (grand father of a mate of mine) he used to have 10 cloves a day of Garlic...............
5 in the morning with a glass of rough red
5 in the evening with a glass of rough red

dont recall any midges or sand fleas when near him........
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Active Member
Oct 28, 2016
Thanks for all the replies and advice.

It has been just over 1 week now and my Son and I are almost over the sandfly/midgie bites.

Thinking back, we did go through some bushes to get from the Caravan park to the beach and we also did some night fishing, but my Son was asleep during that.

Will be adding some items to our first aid kit to aid in the prevention and treatment of any future insect bites.

Going back to Patonga in 3 weeks though, so will be trying a few things and will report back!


Dec 10, 2016
We worked in the north of WA and used a product called the locals sand fly and mozzie repellent. It is a natural product without DEET but seriously does work and all the locals use it. It repels them as well as relieves the itch if you have previously been bitten. The founder is a local lady living in Point Samson. Maybe it is worth a try. You can purchase it in the chemists in the North of WA but it could possibly be distributed throughout Australia now as I am going back a few years. You can also order it online at We are heading up north in April for a few months and will be in areas where there will be sand flys and mozzies and intend on stocking up ourselves then. We have previously been bitten really badly and have had to take antihistamine to get relief.......once bitten twice shy as they say.
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White Elliephant

New Member
Mar 24, 2016
Hobart Tas.
Prevention for midges bites. In a life prior to Expanda, I spent a month a two in Darwin caravan parks in soft floor camper trailer. The joys of midges bite were new to us innocent Tasmanians. They did seem to be only a major problem in nicely grass lawns areas. Our non environmentally friendly, but highly effective solution, bulk purchase the cheapest cans of fly / insect spray you can buy from the local $2 type discount store, spray all grass area within your campsite, extending out for about 2 metres . About a half a can per night.. Job Done