It was my 14.44.3 Expanda it was maxxed at 1800kg so I thought the 2t was plenty, up the rims to 7" instead of 6", steel ROH which gave me about 200kg more load than the originals and upped the tyres to 225 70's, made a hell of a change to the ride and general on road behaviour.
Just have to make sure you get the hangers position right so everything is square, I measured an equal distance from a centre point on hitch back along the draw bar to under the van on both sides and used those 2 points as a datum to mark the position of the axle and hangars, I did a plumb bob drop and marked the chassis at the position of the old axle before I pulled it off and used that to position the new axle as well, had fears of being off just enough for the wheel to hit on sheer luck it all worked okay, had it set up, measured from my datum points a little tap on the axle to get it just so, tighten up U bolts, it didn't even show any scrubbing on the first trip, was better than a new one.................I'm still amazed years later, more than luck shear arsee , I reckon.... I measured each bit about 6 times and had so many clamps holding stuff in position, even kept measuring after a few tacks, drove me nuts and I was a nervous wreck by the end of it.
I did find that my van wasn't actually square, axle and chassis were good but the body wasn't.....just used chassis for squaring things up.
Went the 2t springs as I thought any higher would be harder and possibly be harsher on the body, in the end van come out good, the height was great with good clearance and the whole rig looked way better than before with a rolled axle.