Nissan Navara DEAD after 1st day of towing our 17.56.2

Short story of an endless agony:
Bought a Nissan Navara D40 ST-X 4x4 automatic and an Expanda 17.56.2 just 10 days ago.
Were quite happy until we left Sydney and just 85 km away from our postal address (Road Side Assist needs at least 100 km distance) the cooling system blew up.
Towed car to the dealer (dealer warranty) und caravan to Lane Cove Campsite where we are stuck right now.

Just got a call from the dealer and his mechanic saying that our setup is too heavy!
3.000 kg towing capacity of the car
- 300 kg for "max. towball download" (according to NISSAN)
- 150 kg for that solid canopy
- 200 kg for passengers (2 adults and 3 kids)
- 100 kg for fuel
- 50 kg for luggage
2.250 kg (and that's exactly what our Expanda weights according to a weigh bridge)

I am close to a burnout as I haven't done anything else past 3 weeks than looking for cars, at cars, underneath cars, speaking to mechanics and some very helpful people on this forum ... and telling family and kids that they need to be patient as we will hit the road soon.

Please, tell me if this setup needs splitting up and if we need to find another car or not.
Is the calculation exact?

I need once again your help!
Cheers, Uli

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Jan 20, 2019
Jack forget the maths, look up the GCM of the car.
That will tell you the total combination mass of the whole show.
Son has a D40 and I have a 17.56.2, I reckon the D40 might be maxed.


Jan 20, 2019
I just did a Google for you and it said GCM of 5910, which really surprised me. (2012 150 Prado is 5370)
With the van at max permitted, (2554) that leaves 3350 for the loaded D40.
Unless Google is telling porkies.
I did a bit of research (again) and this are the weights, fact and figures I have found out.

NISSAN NAVARA technical weights
KERB: 1.8 to
GVM: 2.86 to
PAYLOAD: 1.06 to
GCM: 5.86 to

EXPANDA 17.56.2 weights
TARA: 1.87 to
ATM: 2.35 to
BALLWEIGHT empty: 0.17 to
BALLWEIGHT full (estimated): 0.2 to
actual weight at the moment: 2.25 to

How does this look like in reality?
NISSAN NAVARA estimated weights
1.8 to KERB (by definition includes driver and full tank)
+ 0.2 to steel canopy
+ 0.1 to bullbar
+ 0.15 to equipment
+ 0.15 to passengers (1 adult and 3 small kids)
= 2.4 to when fully loaded, ready for traveling
+ 0.2 to ball weight full
= 2.6 to (260 kg below GVM) Yes, close to its limit, but still fine! Isn't it?
+ 2.25 to (actual weight of caravan)
= 4.85 to (1 to below GCM and within towing capacity. I still can't see why we shouldn't tow our caravan.)

Yes, it won't be a rocket ride and there are stronger, more powerful cars out there, BUT the Navara is the one and only we have and we don't have the money to buy anything more powerful and expensive BUT I don't want to risk my families life. That's the most important!

I appreciate your help and thoughts!


Jan 20, 2019
There's plenty left in those numbers, and it surprises me.
From your photo I'd alter the receiver height so as to set the van level. The photo has it lifted quite high at the front and as these things aren't equalising suspensions, the front axle is carrying way less than the rear and of course your ball weight is unnecessarily high.
Next it comes down to driving style.
An auto develops mega heat when towing. Has the car got an aftermarket transmission cooler? The biggest off the shelf is typically a Davies Craig 30-row. Get the one with a fan.
How many cogs has she got and when does it lock up? You must get the converter locked up quickly and in most cars that means towing down one gear.
Navara has a quite large radiator but it also has the dreaded viscous hub on the fan. These tend to lose efficiency over the years. They work OK when driven as a car only but add a load and that fan MUST cut in 100%. If the hub isn't cycling properly, the car will overheat. It's that simple.
You can add oil to the hub if you're inclined or buy an aftermarket hub. (I always carry a spare)
Bastard of a job on the Nav though, so much rubbish in the way.


Jan 20, 2019
Better clarify my comment re-suspension.
If it's an early model with semi elliptic springs, no worries it will equalise.
If it's more modern with independent then no equalising.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well thats just crap....................depending on what has happened to your ute, if it's just a blown hose or radiator, water pump then I would just get a quote off them if after waving the weigh bridge ticket in front of them, stating that their story is BS and your here for a fight otherwise take their qupte find someone else to fix it using their quote as a device to get the job...........................if the engine has been cooked and is stuffed then it will be a long fight as all dealers will fight a warranty claim, the bigger the job the longer it will take, time you don't have, so pushing the lemon type legislation will just take longer than you have here..............I hope it's not an engine, otherwise just hit em with the threat of weigh bridge ticket etc and hope they fix or or get it done elsewhere and cut your losses, it pains me to say it............................................................if you are friends with some leather jacket fellas it could assist in the fix.

If you weigh bridge ticket is very recent it shows that their mechanic is full of crap besides by my rough workings you were in the clear by a tidy amount but in the real world things are not equal.......................

Not much more I can add mate, wish I could wave a wand to help you out...............again just my view which isn't much help but I can't sit on the side.......

Any Sydney siders that can assist ????? ..................techo advise ?? legal advise ????................ we have some talented people here, rally around folks
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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2014
Well its a v6 yea diesal hope so dealers will say anything to put blame on you only up side Lane cove nice place was there not long ago
I know @Crusty181 tows his 3 tonne monster with his and swares by it maybe he should chime in on this i was so close to byeing one but didnt couldbt bring myself to bye a nissan
I feel so bad for you after all your hard work
Hopefull it all works out
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The dealer, his mechanic and all other staff are very helpful and interested bringing us back on the road again - I just believe they are wrong with numbers and weights.

They are fixing the radiator on their costs already - they just expressed that this car is no good for us travelling with that caravan.

Any help, advice and second opinion is much appreciated!!
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Sep 1, 2017
Feel for you and the family Jack. Must be so frustrated. At first I thought you were saying the dealer wasn't going to cover it under warranty but all good. If not too late maybe ask the mechanic should you do anything else while it's apart e.g. water pump, belts hoses etc. You would need to pay the extra but then you know it's done.

So far as claiming it's not suitable for the job (probably said by a salesman wearing a fat short tie and excessive aftershave and hair gel on his balding head ) just say you have done all the calculations and it's all under weights. Keep it pleasant at all times with plenty of thank you. It goes a long way in Australia.

Ps dont forget to set up a post so we can track your trip


Sep 1, 2017
Ps get some extra coolant and check water level everyday for at least a week. There is always little air pockets when coolant changed. If it needs topped up after that you may have a leak following the work
We appreciate the dealer / mechanic / staff efforts a lot, we are just torn apart by them saying this car is highly underpowered, and on the other hand the fact that a lot people have the same setup.

I think I might also have breaks of Expanda checked as well as a compression test of Navara’s engine.

Good point with checking the coolant!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2014
If you walk down to the main road the north ryde train station is there can go into town take the kids for a ride on a boat in the harbour Eco tours go all over the harbor can get on or off anywhere or just stay on the boat

At Lane cove in the last row behind the office with the park behind the vans theres a big owl that hangs around at night he is somthing to see 6 or so sites from the end mite need a tourch to scan trees

Its very hot everywhere which is a shame but you have a nice pool there how are you all handling it it will only get hotter or more humid up north kids will get used to it allways you find good spots for a swim shame you where hindered by cost of car but it may all work out just take it easy any help needed with places to go things to do we are all here for you
Hope to catch up with you when you are back in melb shame i missed you

Good luck tell the kids it will be great as you get going a trip of a life time you will see so much of this great land they will look back and love the memories and wish they could stay i wish i could help all the best Bluey ...........


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well thats a relief, like @Hylux I first thought they were blaming your tow set up, just a radiator crap out isn't bad so long as you didn't cook the engine, lots of folk reckon the Navara isn't much chop for towing but they seem to do the job, your weights aren't over the top so should be good.
With auto's go to manual when you have to work the engine ie; hills, long climbs, head winds etc, do it before your temps start to climb, that way you will keep the oils and coolant temps you drive along look at the tacho and find at what speed in a certain gear your engine is happily pulling at, this will be the sweet spot, on mine it's 4th gear, 2300rpm the sweet spot for fighting against head winds and such, it's not lugging away, not screaming its head off, just pulls easy and the temps stay down..........................................................................enjoy your tour, a great adventure.


New Member
Sep 9, 2018
Hi there, sorry to hear about the experience ........ you are fine with the weights .... see below ...not much to spare but not over.

I trust the dealer sorts you out and you and your family gets off to a great adventure.



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No, they are not blaming the tow setup, they are blaming a lot of circumstances playing together. They are trying everything to find out that it won’t happen again. They work with us - not against us!

And I forgot to mention that „blow up“ happened when we drove up a hill of about 1km length. Apparently - according to locals - this hill (not really a hill compared to Austrian standards) is tough on some engines.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Often the long drags are the killers, things are working hotter and longer, so when you notice its often late, quick steep climbs you are watching and driving to suit from the start......
Glad they are helping you out, that's great...
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