Hi My name is rod and I have a Basestation20 64 6 ob which I purchased in 07 after I had seen it at the Moto GP on Philip island. My tug is a 1988 Nissan patrol diesel 4.2 I live in qld.Since the purchase we have been to the motor bike races at the island four times and around the block twice with my bike in the back, a Honda 1800cc.We have been to the Rock and the Birdsville races and down the track to Adelaide , enjoyed the freedom that this van gives to us. I am just gearing up now for another trip round the block if a proposed trip to NZ with my bike in Feb 2014 does not come off.so as you can see ,a well travelled basestation,I have no complaints as to the build quality or performance.Since 07 I have had two flat tires,thank god,I did find that the wheel jack supplied with the van did not have enough height to allow a wheel change,Jayco replaced the jack with a Trial mate this year ,good on Jayco. However I am OVER bad attitudes, bad service and rip off prices from caravan service centres and spare parts.I recently asked if I could change my spare wheel from the front drawbar to the rear like the new Basestation models after conflicting yes and nos, some in the same Jayco service/repair centre I gave up.I came upon this site while researching a mates new purchase of a work n play,cheers happy to be here.