@Pink Assassin
good job on your choice of Van, it is a very hard decision on what you want V's what you need..............
Camera's, reversing and others are a "personal choice" type thing -I have the Polaris, and think its the ants pants - once I turn it on, its on....(I dont have to be in reverse)....
others have different setups, Ebay is a good place to look and see what you can do and what you may need...........
my sister has a "wireless" one on her car, and it only gets turned on, when in reverse, when she is in drive, she gets siganals from the nearest "Wireless" ones - very confusing
one of our Members (
@burnsie ) did a "Handover List" which I have copied,
1) Check all extras are there - Any additional accessories or cables or cords
2) Check for any screws sticking out or anything that is loose
3) Open and close roof and awnings yourself, our roof on one side folded out instead of in, because of the extra wiring for the additional solar panel, they used some extra memory foam to tell it the right way to go...all good now
4) Take notes and ask how to setup everything including HWS, Fridge, Toilet, bed ends and anything else you have concerns about or want to ask a question on.
5) Check all doors (hinges and latches) including hatches and cupboards. We had a couple that did not work properly, one of the service guys came out and sorted it out whilst we were doing the paperwork.
6) Check inside all storage areas (take a small LED torch with you so you can see inside.) make sure no problems
7) Check for correct functioning of all taps and drainage. Get them to hook up the main water and test the pressure and also check for any leaks where the filler comes into the van, usually under the seats backing onto the fridge wall I think in the new 17.56-2 OB, if you do this when you first arrive usually when they plug the power in then by the end it will be a good 2 hours you will get an idea about any leaks from the mains connection into the van
8) Connect up mains water (As Above)
9) Check 12v pump
10) Check all lights and power points 12v & mains.
11) Check gas operation...stove, HWS, etc.
12) Check Air Conditioner works on both Cold and Hot
13) Carefully go around body, make sure there are no dents, cracks, double check the bed end doors as yours will be the new model, on some of the bigger versions some forum members have noticed cracks, worth double checking
14) Check wiring underneath not hanging down. (A couple of cable ties will sort this out so not a big deal)
15) Check TV and Antenna if you got one fitted make sure the wiring for the coax cable is all good
some good and interesting points raised in there......