Kedron Compact XC3


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2014
Queanbeyan NSW
Wow ive done Dingo dockos at Newhaven station we brought our own dogs though as far as i know from the owner when we where there which his family had it for many years he was selling it to Birds Australia is that true ???? Theres ground parrots there too and huge camel's we met a germen couple studying the camels and an ABC film crew filming very small native mice
We did our filming near a big red sand dune and a waterhole i left one of poems there in a small hut i wonder if its still there wow carnt belive you went there we met up with the Aboriginal bush mechanics used to be on tv and did a seen with them great place black fella country

Newhaven was bought originally by Birds Australia (now Birdlife Australia) I think around 2000 and then later sold to Australian Wildlife Conservancy, they are both private charities that do a lot of good work for conservation, despite selling Birdlife Australia still has an interest in Newhaven and sponsors some research, Newhaven is where the previously thought extinct (not seen for 60 years) Night Parrot was first seen.

The original Newhaven homestead is now off limits to visitors due to an old Buffel Grass infestation which they are trying to control. Buffel grass is a weed easily spread by vehicles. The new Sanctuary Headquarters is quite large and not far from the very nice campground which has good bore water and composting toilets and showers.

Feral animals have been well controlled, including camels; we did not see any on Newhaven. The huge 10,000 hectare predator free area is home to black footed rock wallabies and a thriving reintroduced population of Marla, plus lots of native threatened animals. They eliminated all cats, foxes (and even dingos) inside the fenced area. They plan to build a much larger predator free area of about 100,000 hectares. Newhaven is really becoming an important sanctuary for many of our threatened native animals.

Newhaven provides jobs for locals and supports really important scientific work. Newhaven Sanctuary is a great project for our future. We really enjoyed our visit.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2014
We went all over the property helping ( bugger i carnt remember the owners name ) with cattel yard fencing went to homestead raped an orange tree of its oranges there ...... camped by saltlake and big dune for filming saw many dingoes wild ones not ours saw a male huge camel kill a baby camel so it could have the female is that called imfantaside ??????? Great spot Aboriginal bush machanics said it was iniation country for the young fellas and i should feel prevliged as not a lot of white fellas had been where we went and i did will put on a few pics from my album ahhhhh the memorys
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2014
Queanbeyan NSW
Great Story @Bluey sounds like you had a good time in that very remote part of NT.

The salt lakes and dunes are still there and great country, may go back sometime, but the Newhaven road needs to be graded, especially from front gate to new homestead, last 40km of trip in with a lot of corrugations. They are not really use to seeing caravans come in to Sanctuary.

The roadhouse at Tilmouth Well has nice grassy camp area (~$20 per night) approximately 120km (20km of bitumen + 100km of dirt) away from Newhaven and a good place to leave van if you considered doing a day trip (but a very long day) or overnight with swag or tent.