@TerriD measured everything yesterday almost everything

will finish tomorrow.. need to know some spaces to put things.
Lower bunk is a bit of a squeeze for a adult to get into although ok once your in.
Interesting comparing to the Avan Lily we almost brought the pop top section is larger so walls lower.
Hence everything set down lower. The Lily had microwave above sink etc.
The bunks 1850x700
The one above the drawers/cupboard 1550x700
Dinette 140 seat to seat and 103 wide..
Double bed 1320x1955 seems same size as double in other vans now
Interesting thing in the 17.58-1 is the back boot its actually twice the size as the door so will see if they can make the door bigger.
Not sure with Awning arm. I understand I not be able to open with awning connected although like to get a Weber Q in there