In the market


New Member
May 5, 2019
Sunshine Coast

The family (missus and 2 boys, 7 and 4) and I are in the market for an Expanda. We currently have a Pioneer hard floor camper trailer that we tow with a KDJ150 Prado.
We are looking for something a bit more comfortable and SWMBO has given pre-approval provided there is a shower/toilet.
As we tow using a Prado we need to keep the weight down so we are looking at a 16 series something around 2005-2012ish. Just trying to decide if a newer model with hard lids over the bed ends is worth the cost.
Enjoying reading the forum and getting all the knowledge that I can.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
South Morang, Victoria
I guess I can answer this question, and the answer would be yes. I got my van a few months before the hard ends cam out and it would be easier with them. I have to put the old version of fly on and feed them through and then out poles etc on. It would be so much easier with them as it would save time.
Saying that. I have a 16-49-1 and still very happy with it!.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Welcome @Dominator, good to have you on board

The older soft top Expandas were (and still are) great vans, and although the hard lids are a little more convenient and "modern", the soft top versions are effectively no different to the current 2019 Jayco camper trailers with their soft tops, and the people that have those still love them. Flies will provide the same function as the hard lid, on added to the long list of camp site setup procedures dont add much to the bigger picutre in the way of extra work. My advice would be get the newest van you can afford, because thats what people will be looking for when you decide to upgrade down the track, and if if a hard lid it seen as closer to the current models in terms of looks. But if your budget only extends to a pre 2008 model, so be it; one in good condition will still do you very well. Im not sure if the older 16ft'er had a ensuite option, but Im with the Boss on that one, you wont look back from a bathroom model particularly with a little fella, on a cold or wet night. The right second hand van could have many options already fitted. Like any van, the older they are the more effort and time you need to invest during multiple inspections. Take someone like a mate, someone without the financial and emotional blinkers on to be your conscience and pick $hit out whatever you look at.

Plenty of room in a 16ft'er for you guys