Pretty straight forward really.
Sometime at night after quite a few beers, this may very well be applicable. HaHa.Something to do with middle aged bloat?
I'm still here BUSH PALACE :ranger:Just did a tour down this thread and theres a lot of members that you dont here of anymore ...WHERE ARE THEY NOW ??????
Me neither.... At least you made it to your middle name.Mines pretty's my first name and my middle name.. Not very inventive I'm afraid.
It's not an illness. We too have ripped through 3 vans in 3 years. All expandas. What can I say, some people spend all their money on beer. Some people spend all their money on caravans. I spend all mine on both. HaHa.Wow!! So that's a van somewhere along the line that you have had for less than a year. How come so many change overs?
Well my real name isn't Hamish!
Was spying around to find a username for another forum a few years ago and the first thing I saw through the window was the daughters pet. Used it's name and added a race car number! True Story!
Holden_man would know the number well!
ok I will let you in on a secret I used to be mfzx6r on another forum guess the bike I used to ride!!! mf is my initials and expanda self explanatory pretty boring hey