17' Series Hit the road

Hit the road

Active Member
Oct 25, 2012
Frankston Vic
Hi to all
i joined last week but as yet haven't filled in my details so thought i would update.
Have received some very helpful info from the forum so thank you to all who have contributed!
I have just ordered a 17.56.1 outback to go behind my 05 petrol Prado 4L.
I am updating from an outback swan 08 which i love dearly, but in order to get the missus to agree to my dream holiday of 16 weeks next year, it has to be upgraded!
I have taken notes of all the extras recommended and have ordered a bucket load of them to go with my new beast.
Simplicity susp, outdoor shower,roof air, 150 L fridge, HWS, solar 150w, stereo w/outside speakers,extra gpo"s and 12v points, gas bayonets x 2, annex for awning, extra gas bottle + water tank, ext draw bar etc
we are really excited and are planning on a half loop from melb up centre and across the top, then down west coast and home across the nullabor, leaving late march for 16 weeks with our 3 kids!
love to hear from anyone who has done this or is going to do this!
Am looking for any helpful advice out there!

Hit the road

Active Member
Oct 25, 2012
Frankston Vic
Giday Brad, unfortunately i procrastinated too long so the wait is now out to end of Feb!
was hoping for end of Jan as told two weeks ago!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
G'day and welcome Htr, sounds like a great set up! You wont have long to sort out any bugs and prepare for your big trip, good luck and hope all goes well!



Oct 26, 2010
Mornington Peninsula VIC
Gday HtR,
Sounds like a great list of extras there, that van should serve u very well. We have been travelling a very similar route to yours. We started from SE Melb and went through the centre to Darwin, then back to Katherine, across to Broome and down the West Coast. We are currently in Busselton, so cannot yet talk about the Nullabor but it has been a great trip so far. Favourite spots so far would have to be Oodnadatta Track SA, Trephina Gorge (East Macdonnel Ranges, Alice Springs), Mataranka Springs (We stayed at the Elsie NP), Litchfield National Park just South of Darwin, El Questro on the Gibb River Rd(We didnt do the entire Gibb, just to and from El Questro), Broome is always a winner and gives u a great chance to take some of those breathtaking sunset shots, Cape Range NP near Exmouth & Kalbarri. Its an amazing part of the world, and its such a long way to get back here from Melbourne so its worth taking your time.
Glad you can get a chance to get away in the van, those of us that can do a decent length trip are very lucky.


Oct 23, 2012
port macquarie
Good move HTR, ive done the exact same thing, sold the Swan on the weekend the day after i got home from picking up my 17.56-2 OB. Completely different animal to tow after the smaller pop top but once i got used to its size i was fine - in saying that goinig through Sydney in peak hour wasnt enjoyable. if you looking for advice youve come to the right place. i only joined a couple of weeks ago and everyone has been a great help.

Hit the road

Active Member
Oct 25, 2012
Frankston Vic
Giday Roh!
thanks for the reply, sounds like youve done some amazing places (and still are)
can i pick ur brain on a few questions when you have time?
how long are you travelling for and do you think 4 months is long enough to do virtually the same thing you have?
we have three kids, 7,6,and 4 Y/O my wife is insistant on taking the two older ones out of school in term two which is late march! do you think thats an ok time from your perspective?
i believe the weather is better if we could go third term, but also the busiest time i imagine,
your pics look fantastic!
Would you do the Gibb river road in a 17.56.1 or did you feel it was too rough for your van etc, am really keen to do it, but not if its going to trash things!
would appreciate ur thoughts and any other tips you may have, we are also from down your way in Langwarrin
safe travels.

Hit the road

Active Member
Oct 25, 2012
Frankston Vic
Thanks Jim
am pretty excited about it all, Have you done any long trips in it?
did you have any trouble selling your swan and was it privately?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2012
welcome and that trip sounds like a blast, its one i would like to do.
We did the Oodnadatta to Alice a few months ago, was brilliant, my suggestion to you is to have a stone guard on the van, some good extended mud flaps on your tug too, the gibbler rocks throw back like bullets the underside of my van was so blasted even with the mud flaps.
Have a great trip!!


Oct 23, 2012
port macquarie
GDAY htr
no big trips yet only the trip home after picking it up last weekend, a few small trips to local places 1st and move on from there. i was surprised how easy it was to sell my swan- i had 3 guys all chasing it at once with not querry on price. it was a 2000 model OB with dual annexes hot shower all the works got $17k for it. if you need to sell yours there might still be a buyer up here for you without advertising. let me know happy to help out.

Hit the road

Active Member
Oct 25, 2012
Frankston Vic
Thanks Jim
Thats great re the swan!
Mine is a 2008 outback with lots of extras "but"
my dilemma is that my new expanda wont be ready till end feb, so i need the swan at xmas to go to jervis bay & Pambula.
i cant sell it untill after then unfortunately as i already had it all booked and paid for!
thanks for the help though.
good luck with your new toy and let us know how you go with it.

Hit the road

Active Member
Oct 25, 2012
Frankston Vic
Hi guys
well i got the call today from my dealer to say van has just arrived!
Am so excited i just cant wait to get it! Wednesday is the big day once they do whatever they need to do.
thats only 6 sleeps to go and the fun begins!
that will leave me about 3 weeks to do all the mods i possibly can that ive seen on this great Forum
The list is long but we shall see how we go!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
HtR, your head will be in a daze just chomping to tow that 17ft home, got far to tow it home or have you bought local?? Eager to see the before and after shots of the planned mods you mentioned. Pace.


Seriously Likeable!
Aug 24, 2012
Kealba, Victoria
Great news, HTR, I expect it will be the longest "just six sleeps" you've had for a while. Not long though to the start of that great family adventure. We look forward to following your progress.

Hit the road

Active Member
Oct 25, 2012
Frankston Vic
Thanks guys, bought in seaford Pace so only 15 min from home
4 sleeps to go now (not that im really counting)
well ok i really am!
I have no idea how to post photos, but if i can figure it out, i will put em on once i get it

cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
Hey there Pace
i have a stupid question for you!
how do you add your details of rig etc at the bottom of your posts?

Hey Htr, go into the ''notification'' section of the forum at the top of the site, then on the lhs of that page you will see ''edit signature''
and thats how you get a ''sig line'' :thumb: