G'day antman yes we did get it from Halls, I'll just say we had a few un necessary and annoying issues during the ordering process which took a lot of the fun out of the purchase :frusty:
The Paj towed well & very happy with that, sits well on the road and the Pay sits level also. Initially Mildura to Bendigo we were getting on on avg 18/L per 100klms. Bendigo to Melb around 16-17L, with a very strong cross wind yesterday, and I was glad we forked out for the ESC as I think that made a difference.
I would like to improve the fuel economy further and get a wind deflector / spoil and aslo a engine management chip. I'm hoping with the two of those we get under 15L/100klms
A pleasant suprise by the way was how easy the tandem 18ft is to back compared to the single axle 16, no where near as touchy
