ok have sold the flamingo for more than i brought it for - not by much but i think its the only thing I have ever sold second hand after buying new and made money.
The 17.56-1 is in at Ballarat and driving up from Melbourne to pick up Thursday. Have got the LED ready for the camping trip over cup weekend with out any power. This weekend away for two weeks holidaying up north to burn the germs out of our winter bodies. When we get back the following weekend is cup weekend and we are going away up around Barmah for about 4 days to try out the new Van. The oldest 5 - is exited about his new bunk the other oldest 47 is exited about not having to setup and pack up a flamingo!!! will miss it but really looking forward to the luxury. 3 more sleeps...
The 17.56-1 is in at Ballarat and driving up from Melbourne to pick up Thursday. Have got the LED ready for the camping trip over cup weekend with out any power. This weekend away for two weeks holidaying up north to burn the germs out of our winter bodies. When we get back the following weekend is cup weekend and we are going away up around Barmah for about 4 days to try out the new Van. The oldest 5 - is exited about his new bunk the other oldest 47 is exited about not having to setup and pack up a flamingo!!! will miss it but really looking forward to the luxury. 3 more sleeps...