Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I don't think that is level enough for the fridge to work.

But it might be in a good position for the panel to catch the sun.

take care
Depends which way the fridge landed I think........... not sure the 3 screws would have held...........................

I really want to know the story behind it @rags, how did you manage it and whats the rope off the AC for ???? We promise not to laugh.......;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
Depends which way the fridge landed I think........... not sure the 3 screws would have held...........................

I really want to know the story behind it @rags, how did you manage it and whats the rope off the AC for ???? We promise not to laugh.......;)
I think the fridge would have stayed in place as it would have been on the off-side which is now on the grass.
take care


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I think the fridge would have stayed in place as it would have been on the off-side which is now on the grass.
take care

Of course. see the top vent now, even a compressor fridge would have failed...................... BUt what about the Beer :crushed::crushed::crushed::crushed::crushed:
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Well-Known Member
I believe the van was blown over in the wind storm that went through some coast suburbs around the Illawarra area


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Page 202, WOW truly a brilliant thread @Bluey :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Comments to me by a VIC and ACT mate who I am in regular contact with has made me realise that in these trying times those of us not in NSW, ACT or VIC should give our mates a ring, email, text some sort of contact to just bat the breeze for while we can live life freely they are stuck in lockdown and in the case of NSW a bit like Robinson Crusoe ....... the yarn and laugh is certainly appreciated............. more so than I thought, maybe your mates are the same.... :cheerful::cheerful:


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2013
Newcastle NSW
It has been quite some time since I have visited Expandas land. The last couple of laps around the sun have been fairly tough on the Cracka Clan. The old 105 Cruiser has been sold and the Everest is now a part of the family.
lockdowns have restricted usage of the Starcraft, including when Newcastle went into lockdown, we were on our way for a weekend with friends. We had to turn around and get home again.
I myself have been unwell, including some time in hospital. This has forced me into an unplanned and early retirement. Things seem to have a way of working themselves out. Just waiting to see how this all pans out now.
Hope you are all surviving these strange times and look forward to a National meet when we can eventually travel again.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Beautiful Burrum Heads QLD
Hi @crackacoldie
I trust you are recovering ok, retirement isn’t all that bad and you can survive on less than you imagine (ask @Drover) yes we’ve had it pretty easy up here with this horrible Covid thing but eventually it’s going to hit us I’m sure. The part that really hurts me is my boys are in enemy territory and I have no idea when we’ll catch up again and that damn body clock keep ticking. Even though I have a different bran van now my hand is always up for a national meet!!


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
G’day @crackacoldie, it has been a while since we heard from you. Sorry things have not gone well for you and hopefully all is good now or at least as good as it can be under current lockdown conditions. As @DRW has said, retirement is not bad at all. Having done it for 16 years, I can vouch for it and you do not need as much income as stated by many sources.
One day there will be a new “Normal” and we will be out and about again so I look forward to catching up then. Stay safe mate.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2013
Sunbury VIC.
G’day @crackacoldie, it has been a while since we heard from you. Sorry things have not gone well for you and hopefully all is good now or at least as good as it can be under current lockdown conditions. As @DRW has said, retirement is not bad at all. Having done it for 16 years, I can vouch for it and you do not need as much income as stated by many sources.
One day there will be a new “Normal” and we will be out and about again so I look forward to catching up then. Stay safe mate.
Hi @crackacoldie, as I often say, I am so busy at this retirement thing that I am considering employing someone to help me do it!.
sorry to hear you have a few problems, just hang in there.
Had a few hospital visits myself since we last camped opposite each other at Port Macquarie some years ago.
Stay strong and enjoy life, it beaats the alternative.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well @crackacoldie , this retirement lark isn't all that easy, so many decisions on where and when to go, stay a bit longer and then the damn Doctor tend to upset planned runs, shouldn't bitch about them as without them my trips would have been cancelled big time.................... So polish the wheel nuts and rotate the tyres for the magic day when you can escape......................

Been thinking of a big meet when this crap is over, somewhere not expensive, not crowded and which is a reasonable run for most of the east coast crowd.......... maybe a place that we can overlap into school holidays, old coots can get in before the,lol.... haven't figured anywhere out yet that covers all the requirements for on grid/off grid, kids, old coots and doesn't cost the earth............................... might need a northern and a southern.

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
Our Anna is trying to spin herself out of the pan again but just gets deeper..........................
Anyone for a dip in the pool of life sometime??in the future????


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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2014
Im sorry for my crap humour but i reckon that's the funniest...... i saw galdis called
Gladwrap bbq chicken somewhere i think thats so funny how we come up with crazy names for people without being overly nasty but us aussies dont really care about names we get called unlike some
I saw a union bloke get up in front of a few crew at massive shopping centre build at chadstone he said im sick of you aussie skippy bush kangaroos c______s your all f________ed and your crap sausages and hamburgers are s______t next bbq we are haveing souvlakies put on by the builder ahhhhhh yea !!!!!!
That’s the first time I have seen Gladys called that. I am a fan of hers but she is doing it tough at the moment. Still that is a funny nickname.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Will caravaning and covid go hand in hand in future .The Feds and some medical experts are saying all states are going to have to open up when 80% of people full vaccinated Also stating restrictions ie masks,distancing,lockdowns,could go on for years.This means areas and states with no virus are going to have it arrive.!I countries with high vac rates eg UK,Israel are still getting increasing numbers of very sick people entering hospitals,plus death rates still a worry. Bare in mind in many cases covid has much worse symptoms than the worst flu.I spent 8 plus weeks recently in Qld where cpks and free camps were overflowing.!Very few people took any notice of qr regs,distance and mask requirements.Will vaccinated people only be allowed into cpks.?Will My wife and I be happy going into cpks if covid is around the corner,no.
Would we travel around Qld if covid was rife ,no.To many half wit disbelievers now. Would I put a deposit on a new van to be delivered in a years time,No. So many ifs and buts re opening up areas. What are your views.?

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
Will caravaning and covid go hand in hand in future .The Feds and some medical experts are saying all states are going to have to open up when 80% of people full vaccinated Also stating restrictions ie masks,distancing,lockdowns,could go on for years.This means areas and states with no virus are going to have it arrive.!I countries with high vac rates eg UK,Israel are still getting increasing numbers of very sick people entering hospitals,plus death rates still a worry. Bare in mind in many cases covid has much worse symptoms than the worst flu.I spent 8 plus weeks recently in Qld where cpks and free camps were overflowing.!Very few people took any notice of qr regs,distance and mask requirements.Will vaccinated people only be allowed into cpks.?Will My wife and I be happy going into cpks if covid is around the corner,no.
Would we travel around Qld if covid was rife ,no.To many half wit disbelievers now. Would I put a deposit on a new van to be delivered in a years time,No. So many ifs and buts re opening up areas. What are your views.?
Some tough calls to be made by everyone, Fed pollies, state pollies, medicos and businesses. All decisions will affect somebody, no matter how you think. NSW has now let it run free hoping to get it over and done with, despite the increasing numbers of sick and deaths, Vic has now thrown in the towel as now unable to control spread, Queensland is hanging in there and making some harsh decisions regarding quarantine, while WA definitely does not want any covid entering that state. NT and Tas are maintaining tough borders. No country areas want unknown people from Covid hot spots coming and going through their area but need them to keep places alive and businesses to be able to survive. Tough times ahead!!
No smart answers here. Would people accept Covid vaccination as passports and their ticket to move around and how would that be checked and enforced???
I can hear the screams of those already who don't want to be vaccinated who would complain that their freedoms and rights are being taken from them. What about OUR freedoms who get vaccinated and do the right thing??? Why should we suffer and be restricted because some idiots don't want to be part of the team which will benefit all of us?
Fortunately, I can still travel around within Queensland, but I had intended to tour NSW and Vic, let alone get into SA. And I have run the gauntlet by flying in and out of Tas earlier this year but had to miss Melbourne in both directions. Although wife and I are fully vaccinated , it is the fear of being "trapped" for days, weeks and maybe months a long way from home that prevents us form travelling too far. Shame.


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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Im sorry for my crap humour

Were used to it....................... :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

So many ifs and buts re opening up areas. What are your views.?

When you look at things without the Doomsday Effect and the over blown political claims, I think in time it won't be as bad as the doomsayers go on with... the vaccine hoo haa I suppose is to be expected with the media drama but in reality what would happen with a chicken, small pox, TB epidemic, it would be much the same ............... unless you have a conspiracy theory to colourize it all.... biggest problem is stupid people ...
Since I carry a licence for all manner of things, whats one more, no privacy issues as everyone has a phone which lets all and sundry know anyway (mine doesn't).

Went past Kenilworth Showgrounds yesterday, looked like a caravan expo, hundreds camped there........... I'm just taking things as they happen, not getting worked up or worried, politicians wont change things.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
And on a more joyfull note that life is still happening:

They are doing another album ABBA is back, another Album and a virtual tour, well digitally anyway......................

Thankfully the show being digital has them looking like this.......

and not like below as they were dressed for the green screen effects, I would rather remember them from before..

.................... old people where do they all come from.....?????????