Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Its ok for police to patrol but will they do anything i think not they miss all the people doing the wrong thing there not there every hr the shop is open but the shop workers need back up and help and protection from abuse @BJM said what have we come too a cess pool of diffrent people who dont care about anyone but them selves and the wont happen to me thing the govenment created this cess pool we live in now there seeing how we all behaive when times are tough we all react diffrent cause we are not united as one im am worried not from the virus but they way we are dealing with it from the top its failing i think we are imploading again we had the chance but did nothing to get ready and be strong make quick decisions we carnt do that people will realize how inept our govenment system is
I have a mate who works for local govt. He called police to a park yesterday where the local teens we're thick on the ground flaunting social distances rules, and just doing what they do .... police just shrugged their shoulders and drove off.

Yesterday after deep and extended thought (3 min) I took the boat out, great day by the way, and don't judge me. On the radio news during my significant self-isolation exercise the Rev ScoMo was high fiving Aussies, fist pumping the air and thanking us from the bottom of his ample heart for doing the right thing. He'd obviously not spoken to Dumbo Andrews, for in the very next interview Dumbo was gong off tap about Victorias inconsiderate ar$eholes not giving a toss, closing beaches, and threatening $20k fines to everyone in the state. In summary, what hope have we got ..... we're all going to die


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2014
Can anyone identify what this brand/model this vehicle is, nothing I know has that sort of panels...


late 1990’s Ford F-150


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
we're all going to die

Not this black duck, I can assure you ......................... Can I have your tickets/ receipts for your boat run later this year then since your not going to be here, be a shame to waste them , I'll have first dibs on the mine truck need a good boat tower and beach runner????
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
late 1990’s Ford F-150

I didn't look back far enough in my scrap book but its certainly a newspaper file photo which has nothing to do with the report I saw of slashing tyres in SW QLD, @mikerezny has found the probable source of the photo, so certainly not SW QLD..........

Thanks @MDS69 so its a 1999 F150 Lightning......

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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Well @Drover i mite get that surfboard after all i belive he has a bullbar of mine too you can have his boat i like inflatables if @Crusty181 is throwing in the towel maybe that new member needs a tow car
Feeling much better now. Could you have waited till I was cold before you started carving up my stuff. Ive got an angry 30year old son with one eye on my stuff ... you better bring some back up


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
@Bluey @Drover @mfexpanda
Thanks for the wonderful support guys, its an emotional time knowing i have awesome stuff you want, but ive got. Fear not brothers, im going that extra mile to stay safe for you. Feeling the love
Hmm. From the modest size of this ship, it would appear that you have been demoted from Rear Admiral Crusty to Leading Seaman Crusty.

Take Care


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
where's the fish?
Yeah, well ..... still getting my eye in. A ton of hook ups, but only a few keepers. (Keeper size requirements reduce if you can cook and eat them on the water ;) )

Not sure this will help my credibility, but what the hell ... hows the sounder, more action than Netflix


Ill give the fish another opportunity to suicide tomorrow, the direction'less leaders are likely to try to close the ramps. Theyve already closed a few down south from me
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