G’day mate, I still have a leftie,Looks like fun
At least we could poke you with a stick with no recourse hahahaha

G’day mate, I still have a leftie,Looks like fun
At least we could poke you with a stick with no recourse hahahaha
Ha bloody ha!!! No chance. I didn’t realise how heavy a foam block would be when you have to carry it around for a week. And I won’t go into the awkwardness of certain necessary operations.I think your actually rock'in that look ... suits you. Maybe get one for the other arm, twice as rock'in
Incompetence at the very highest levels have caused this carnage, and some poor cleaner working 15 hour shifts for $8.35 an hour will be thrown under the bus. Must be wonderful to have no clue, no skills, no conscience, no responsibility, no decency but a superannuation on steroidsOh and hot news the coroner with police is looking into the 80 odd deaths in aged care charges may be layed against who not sure but once the coroner starts saying chages should be layed id be very worried if i was involved eg in charge of keeping people safe ause nothing was done
Definitely take you up on that @BlueyWe will plan a weekend give you guided tour if you eva want to go near someone from vic
Well after five weeks ,We have crisscrossed up into nth Qld and coming back down the coast,now had three days at Cape Palmerston Some observations
Huge record numbers of Qlders on the road ,motor homes,new large rigs everywhere in very busy caravan parks.Lots of young people caravaning ,camper trailering with school age kids.Many elderly people in new rigs and motorhomes.Very obvious many have no idea of reversing ,setting up ,overloading etc.etc.Many rigs doing 75-80 kph with no consideration for people wanting to pass or do a reasonable speed .Do not know what happens next year if Vics on the road as well .Dogs now reign supreme in many van parks.Cape P ,many had two,why do owners let them p....s and poo right in front of your site or on lawns next to slabs.Even the mild mannered better half got towy.
Thanks for the update @BJM . There are indeed a lot of people on the road at the moment - cannot go too
far out of the state - and if you did, getting back in is a real problem. Getting harder and harder to get into the old favourite spots.
A lot of newbies would be on a steep learning curve, but it is sad that a lot seem to have forgotten about courtesy to others on the road. It does not take much to slow down at the appropriate place and wave past all those waiting behind you. Or even pull off for a few minutes and let the traffic past.
I love dogs, but they have their place and that is not polluting the areas around camping spots. I thought they had to be under control all the time, so it is the owners lack of thought that allows this to happen.