If done properly should last the life of van or longer, Big Mals are 13 yrs old and when cleaned up spin smoothly so get repacked and refitted, new seals though is the thing as they get hard so crap gets into the hub.... I carry a spare set which I greased up as the original was just a smear, and they are all in a vac seal bag....Hmmm...I gotta do the wheel bearings in my van over the next few weeks too. The last time I had them out, cleaned and greased them, was before doing the lap...they appeared ok then so reused them with no issues since. They have covered around 36,000kms since I bought the van, and I don't know whether they are original or were replaced by the previous owner.
Not sure if I should just replace them all, or clean and check both cups & cones and if ok re-use?
If you can click your fingernail over them then yep chuck them, with a van or even a car I wold probably chuck 'em, as above, getting OS shoes is a pain nowadays..The drums are quite scored on mine so wasn't sure if they could be be machined at a reasonable cost compared to new.
Wow that grease looks perfect compared to the state of mine which was pretty black!Not too bad overall
Wow that grease looks perfect compared to the state of mine which was pretty black!
I have put that LF back on with the linings as they were, I am about to pull the RF, see what that one looks like. If it is down any further I'll have to lash out and buy new shoes...if it is similar, 4mm, I'll refit and visit again in 12 months...I don't have any big trips planned this year, one out West at Easter but that won't be any more than 4000kms...not much braking involved as open country roads...
Wow that grease looks perfect compared to the state of mine which was pretty black!