Here it is boys and girls with it's shed on the back.....
So the build so far:
Fitted......Trailer plug, Brake controller fitted,UHF radio and aerial, Cam for van, dash cam, GPS so the cab is fitted with the basics and the shed is bolted down.
Next up battery box under tray, micro switches on shed doors for interior LEDs and LEDs on doors also, might even run a wire to a led on dash to show if a doors open when I drive off.
Priority on setting the "Yak Rak" on top somehow, think I might have to buy a rail for the cab, they are damn expensive so may see about fabing one up, I wonder if I could Sikaflex the old one on ??????
Must order from Brash Imports a new 90deg cam for back of Ute can't see where the back of the damn thing is and those far away mirrors don't help.
Sometime before I go away next will have it on the ramps so I can Gurney the bottom and then give it a good spray with Goop to kill noise and keep the evil rust away. Goop is what underbody paints I have in shed all mixed together with turps/diesel and put in spray gun, works a treat.
Eventually will sort out some sort of system in the back but will leave that for a couple of trips to see what would work and also a chance to pinch great ideas from others....
Other than a trip to Dan Murphys I'll be in my shed for the next week and it will be......................................