The rig is sitting up on jack stands, ( 6 of them) rear water tank removed, wheels and hubs off, plumbing /cables out of the way all ready to replace springs with nice new ALKO outback jobs........of course I now find my tyres 8000k's are scrubbing right on the inside edge

, so somebody has hit something in the last 1000kms on the way home

damn dirt road and has possibly bent his axle OR it might be the (hope,hope

) the flogged out spring bush that caused it, we also discovered the inner bearing seals are leaking crap into the drum so new seals added to the list, might just get whole new bearing sets and be done with it, at least we still have meat on the brake shoes.

Fit new springs and hangers, do the bearings, put the new steel rims on, then will get the measure stick out and see what the alignment looks like if I can, I may be lucky......
Diesel is $1.23/lt at Withcott, QLD.
PS: Note to self add big bottle of metho to wash brakes down with........:doh::doh::doh: