Cruising With Your Expanda

Do you use your cruise control when towing

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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
I use cruise control every opportunity, towing, not towing, reversing, car wash ... I love it. I leave the cruise on most of the time and on the hills and just tap the auto stick across to manual, knock it down a gear and let the car do its thing


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
sellicks hill s.a
No, after a bit of experimenting I found the Ranger uses more fuel when towing on Cruise[/

I AGREE THE BT 50 USES MORE FUEl in cruise control we went tank to tank across Hay plains and recorded 1lt pr 100klms more
seen two vans with broken axle
20150326_185944.jpg s on highway from tweed eads to grafton
it looked like u bolts gave way not old vans either
bugger its nice at wooli no fish yet.
So......Who uses cruise control when towing?

There must be lots of advantages and disadvantages to this question, thought this would be a good forum to discuss and see what everyone's thoughts are?

meandher (a frost)

Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
The Vines, WA
Without the 'van on the back i go everywhere in cruise. Paid way too many fines to "Plod" over my formative years to want to start that nonsense again and with the preponderance of fixed and mobile speed cameras these days coupled with my legendary lack of patience, which seems to have exponentially increased further than my waistline, it is a perfect combination to guarantee an empty wallet. Points most definitely don't mean prizes......

I tried cruise when towing when first starting caravanning capers spawned by the aforementioned negative experiences with the WA constabulary who are, lets say, "enthusiastic" to say the least in their approach to speed reduction. It worked better with the old Swan hitched up, but anything remotely classed as an incline let alone a hill with Big Brenda in tow, sees the BT cog-swapping violently and it was winding me up so much that I never use cruise control towing anymore. Besides, there is not a lot of chance of involuntary donations to the Policeman's Ball with 2.7T nailed to the rear of the car so don't need the comfort factor of cruise to curb the brain synapses that govern the enthusiasm of the right boot. Either that or i have just grown up and don't feel the need to travel at warp factor speeds any longer. If it takes me a few extra minutes to get anywhere, then who really gives a stuff?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
I don't use cruise when towing. Experimented with it when we first got the Pajero but it uses more fuel with cruise on and towing. In saying that, when not in tow, i use cruise everywhere as i can't drive as fuel efficeintly as what the car can.


Active Member
Mar 25, 2011
Have used cruise when towing and use the speed adjust when approaching hills to either lift the speed just before and then slowly back it off as it goes up the incline (if I am really lazy) or just hit cancel for the hills and reset once on the flat again.

have been told that it is good at night for roos. You can have your foot over the brake. Note this is not at the same time as towing specifically. Although the early start will mean that I will be in roo country around dawn.