Caravan park dash cam

cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
The other thing to take from this video is that the roadways in all caravan parks are shared and it shows anything unexpected can happen.

Especially coming into summer when the parks are getting busier.

Maybe show your kids the video as to what can/could happen too.

edit: I also don't understand why at some parks they have tall hedge plantings at intersections which restricts visibility :der:
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2010
Butler/Perth WA
Did you see everyone give the driver evils as if the driver was in the wrong. Thank god for dash cams hey.
Of to show my two boys this clip so they can see why Dad always harps on about riding too fast in caravan parks.

Good find @cruza driver :eagerness:


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA
Was sent a link to that one on facebook tonight also..... It's amazing some of the idiotic comments people put up on that site!!!!!
Incidents like this one is one reason we try and avoid school holidays and peak seasons now that ours are older.

Another little toy that can be a blessing is the reversing camera with infrared.... Was backing out of the van site one easter a few years ago at about 9:00pm and just happened to look at the screen when a group of kids (5 to 10 year olds) come racing past on pushbikes with no lights or helmets and one comes off about a metre behind us... Guess who got abused and blamed for the incident by the parents????? Would post my reply on here but I'd be banned for life 8-)


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2011
Wandin North, Vic
I've had a dashcam in my car for the last 4 years or so, and I think I'll get one for the wife's car too.
You just never know when those images are going to be needed.

Hope the girls OK and a big lesson learnt
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2010
Butler/Perth WA
Great to see the parents had the little girl in a helmet, saw this on another forum and almost everyone blamed the car driver WTF are there so many negative people in the world?? So glad I discovered this forum

I don't understand how you could blame the driver at all.... "Weird"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
yes I read some of those and the where was the parents etc etc
Car was going slow.
Kid came around corner her parents could of been 1m behind her make no difference.
Everyone just lucky and that is why as I said I drive slow.
Although there are a lot of free range kids at parks and some to small to be left to run around. Each time I go to one with a pool I see kids in there and no parents. We not talking 10-12 year olds we talking 5-8.... There is always another bigger kid who will help by letting them in the gate.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA
Have been reading comments on another caravan forum :banplease: :p So much negativity and assumptions from people that weren't even there....... As @DRW also picked up on. (Glad I found this forum as well)

What gets up my nose is there are also people out there that even have the nerve to verbally attack the poor woman, that was driving the car, on her personal facebook page.

The video even made the news sites

Just glad that there were no major injuries sustained, other than "shock" for both parties involved, as the consequences could have been far worse.

I wasn't there to witness it personally so will not make any comments as to who I think was to blame (Do have my own opinions which I will keep to myself though).

*Rant over* otherwise I'll end up writing a best selling novel that will be made into a movie and make me squillions of dollars :cool:

Just glad that the end result was that no one was injured or worse!


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA
One more comment :couch2: ;)

For those of you with young kids....... Even if at a "Safe Place" like a "Caravan Park" ...... Please keep them in your sights!
Ours are old enough for us not to worry about (Even though we do) but they now have kids of their own so we will be travelling with Grand Kids at times and I'll be watching them 24/7.... Might not be able to catch them but will be watching :spy:


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2010
Butler/Perth WA
Just had another look at the vid and just realised that the BMX is a racing BMX and that motor bike helmet she is wearing is the same ones that they were when they are racing around the track. The only problem is the caravan park is not a race track. I would say Mum and Dad saved her from serious injury ensuring she where's a helmet though..good on them:encouragement:
Mmmm It was a time bomb waiting to go off in a caravan park and the lady in the car was in the wrong spot at the wrong time... Hang on so was the poor girl on the bike. Oh well at least no one was really seriously hurt.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA
All I'll say..... It was an unfortunate incident that was caught on camera... And glad no one was majorly injured :)
And please parents if you like it or not (Same goes for your kids if they like it or not) make sure they wear protective equipment no matter what they are doing!