Camping in the backyard.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
3 room tent.jpg

Found it. Pace.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2013

Seeing as we couldn't go to lake Tyers due to a Xmas breakup and it being the Coleman Backyard Campout night tonight I thought we could throw the swags out for some fun. I'm trying a self inflating mat under the mattress as well to see how it feels as I have been putting my swag on a stretcher. See how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
View attachment 28324
Seeing as we couldn't go to lake Tyers due to a Xmas breakup and it being the Coleman Backyard Campout night tonight I thought we could throw the swags out for some fun. I'm trying a self inflating mat under the mattress as well to see how it feels as I have been putting my swag on a stretcher. See how it goes.
Funny story. I used to have a real swag many years ago, being a square of canvas to lay on and under. Things change, life changes, bones change, and apparently swags change. Boy have swags changed. I can no longer drink enough to make the ground seem comfortable .... theres a clue in my joining a caravan forum.

Before we had any accommodation on the farm, we used to tent it and sometimes drag the previous Expanda down there. We have two 40ft shipping containers now, one being a highline (former) refrigerated unit which is cool in the summer and toasty warm in the winter thanks to a wood fire inside, with a kitchen and bathroom sliding verandah doors.

During the transition, my brother and I decided it was a great idea to get those new fangled things they call "swags". Bearing in mind I know what a real swag is ... and this was one of those, but hey, it had a mattress.

Set the bloody thing up and it looked for all intents and purposes just like a photo from the Kmart summer catalogue. We worked all day and when we finished found that we (he) had forgotten the tonic, so we had to make the mad hour round trip into town to stock up. I drove straight over the top of the brothers swag and destroyed it. (lucky he was sitting in the car next to me)

He then had to find and alternate place to sleep

Had a few tonics and made good for the bed, clearly not quiet enough tonics. I hadn't even considered the fact the for all my life I've been claustrophobic. What was I thinking.

I crawled in, laid on the genuinely shite foam inclusion and thought this aint starting out so good. The cold night air was forming a dew on everything .... no problems; zip her up. Idiot

The head end flap was open, but that doesn't help if you can't see it open without a back flipping head joint. The walls started to close in, and the more I tried not to think about it the worse it got until I exploded in a fit of anxiety and I was jumping around frantically searching for the zip to open the tomb ... the bloody swag is bolted to the ground with tent pegs; why I didn't that I have no idea. Its not like it was going to blow away

The tags on those heavy duty zippers are about the same as a size 12 thong but do you think I could find the bloody things. If I could have torn it open or eaten my way out I would have, but unfortunately Id purchased a top quality 10 ounce canvas number with zippers like crocodiles teeth .... and not only a canvas flap but also a fly screen flap; two ones.

I still use the swag, but I now roll it out in the back of the ute. Funny thing is I can lay the canvass over me without zipping it up without an issue.

As for your new self inflating mattress, I have one in my swag now and its incredibly comfortable.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Crack me up @Crusty181 , these young fellas and roughing it in swags, well back in the day we called them hike tents, my swag is in the shed, a block of foam cut with cane knife and a square of truck tarp all rolled up and held together with a big belt or maybe baling twine, if it rained roll under truck and pull excess canvas over head, swear loudly ( have another Bundy). Progressed to tnet, then off road camper now van, swag is home for shed spiders.

Blokes nowadays won't have any fun in them, spiders, wombats, snakes can't come visiting. boring.
Ground is way too hard nowadays and too damn low.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2013
Very funny @Crusty181 and @Drover, the new self inflating mattress did a great job and a huge improvement on the crap bit of foam that came with it which I still used as well. I still like the stretcher as it is a bit easier to get in and out of as the bones get older. The kids loved it as it was a surprise and I did get a text from @Pace this morning hanging it on me the cheeky bugger!!!