Just returned from a 3 month trip around Oz to site see and also visit family/friends. Perth to Karrijini, Port Hedland, Darwin, to 3 Ways, to Townsville, Then Rockhampton, Gladstone, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Goondawindi, Wilcannia, Broken Hill, Minnipia, Streaky Bay, across to Esperance, Hopetoun, Hyden and then back to Perth. The Coromal Element was upgraded to take a heavier AGM with stronger tyres and electric Break Away. Also increased the water tank capacity.
Did as much free camping as possible and would highly recommend Wikicamps and not Camps7 or 8.
Too many highlights to do justice for the many enjoyable places we visited, but Karrajini, de Grey Free Camp, the Leitchfield Water Falls, Julia Creek free camp and Hopetoun would be at the top of the list.