Brake controllers, what do you have and why......any and all discusions.........


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
maybe I am just a woossy with my braking
but I have come down Greenmount on a wet road in an auto in reverse because the brakes failed

:shocked: OMG are you for real, what car was that in and I hoped no one was hurt.

HQ GTS SS Monaro (308 Traumatic)(red and black - not the green and silver they usually were) about 1981/82 from memory
been to a mates place in York - about 12.30am, pouring with rain, just got through Mundaring, and noticed the brakes were feeling a little "iffy"
get a little further down the road - brake light comes on - lost 1st servo unit, bugga - have to baby it the rest of the way

they are a 2 stage Brake master cylinder - when the brake light comes on - there is a problem with the 1st servo unit - meaning you are pretty much on emergency braking until you get it fixed - usually a leaking Master Cylinder will set it off

by the time I got to John Forrest Nat Park turn off - 2nd servo went
by the time I got to Bilgoman Pool - I was in reverse at about 2200rpm using that and the hand brake to slow down enough to stop
got to the Darling Range Hotel, and pulled over
walked across the road to Farinosi & Sons shop (hardware shop - where Farrell road is now) and used the phone to call another mate to get a car trailer and come and get me

trust me I did not sleep for 2 days I was that stressed


May 4, 2016
I got the hayman reese compact iq installed in the territory. When I was googling controllers for van esc it was one of the first ones i read about. And i used to work at repco and knew someone I could get it nice and cheap through. only used it a couple of time, and am extremely pleased with it. I like the way the led glows different shades of red. Dull red when brakes just on to bright red when under harder braking. The boost function is good. I had it off to start with but now running it on B1. I had the light and dial installed in the facia just below the gauge cluster so I can see the led without even looking down. The dial is beside it but hidden from driver view by the blinker stalk.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Bring this back to the surface...................................3 pages on topic...well done..................................Mines a HR, black one with a dial, boost and slider and I think it's just a rebadged Tekshona P2, anyway with Big Mal and the Colorado about the same weight when loaded (2.7t) need something that works and this does, basic all set and forget, start off with dial on 6, push button and see what happens when I try to drive off, they should hold, drive and tap the brakes if the van wheels just about lock up going slow all is good for pulling up at speed, going down some big bloody hills, eg; Waterfall Way I just spin the dial up a bit, push the boost when we need a bit extra.
When I have to wind the dial up high then it's time for a brake adjust.......

PS: Okay it's not a rebadged P2 it's a rebadged Primus IQ..............I'm astounded.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA
Waterfall Way I just spin the dial up a bit, push the boost when we need a bit extra.
Have only driven the Waterfall Way once (In a hire car) and you're a braver man than me @Drover towing along it :o
Well the trip up to Dorrigo via Bellingen up/down the Dorrigo Mountain Road anyways!!

Okay it's not a rebadged P2 it's a rebadged Primus IQ
Had the IQ previously and was very happy with it apart from it not liking the son in law wiring it up with Black to Earth and White to Power :target: