Queensland has now banned all recreational boating. You may still go out on a kayak or a SUP for exercise but the two people only and a metre and a half apart. No boating just to get out on the water.
*** RANT*** Walk away now
Local fishing seems to be a quandary for the overpaid underachieving beauracracy, and they are struggling with it. I suspect the Cluster of Clowns will jump on it here in Mexico too. There have been contradictions, lunacy, and incompetence in the bazaar list of restrictions being forced down our throats by floundering morons that are way out of their depth, (eg haircuts, voting, funerals, weddings, trains, shopping centres, cruise ships etc etc) but the only consistent factor is the mindless state-sanctioned blind misery. Forget distancing, it's the public being tortured by Circus Clowns that will kill the virus.
Over a week ago the Cluster of Clowns, Deputy Chief Medical Jester issued an order under State of Emergency legislation that hospitals are now in a lockout, banning all non-essential entry. Yesterday (obviously not getting that memo) the largest trauma hospital in Vic, the Alfred in Melb, rang the Princess and invited her in for a non-urgent, non-essential, non-invasive procedure because they'd had a wave of cancellations and needed something to do .... but I apparently shouldn't go fishing??
They seem to struggle with an activity that slots nicely into all the restrictions (including even the stupid ones), but is uniquely missing the misery factor .... the answer is of course ban it anyway, we can't have people safely enjoying themselves, because anything with the "Absence of Misery" spreads disease. I would love to debate with the Cluster of Clowns the finer points of the differences btw boats, kayaks and SUPs and their individual capacities to thwart the spread of the virus. We can (and are encouraged) to walk or exercise daily and many many do. We live a 5 min walk from the beach ... and the beach paths. We can walk on the beach path, but not on the sand right next to the beach path. All the people that would ordinarily be on the sand have now added to the congestion on the beach paths, making "distancing" all but impossible.
I have zero faith in these idiots.
Myself, I will continue to fish, ill just tow the kayak behind the boat, get the Princess to give me a quick haircut while we're out there during the reaffirmation of our vows.