Another One for ANZAC Day


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Was a wonderful, thoughtful day..................................................Lest we Forget.

With an old Navy mate at Withcott QLD....... Anzacday02.jpg I'm the old coot with the silver hair.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2014
to all those who have served
to all those who are still serving

thank you

as an ARMY Brat, brought up in Married Quarters on Army Bases, ANZAC day means a lot of different feelings

as the son of a Vietnam Vet - I am proud of my Father and those like him who served their country
as an Army Brat, I remember 2 of my friends in the late 60's, early 70's having to move to "Grans", as Dad was not coming home
my Uncle served in Korea
my Grand Father served in Darwin with the RAAF
my Great Grandfather served with the Merchant Navy and Army in WW1

Lest We Forget
quick story @bigcol my pop served with REG Annset in Darwin REG bounced my dad on his knees he said to pop mite start an airline want to be in it with me come work for me they where good mates pop said nah it wont do any good here im going back to Melbourne so the family story goes the rest is history but if he did I spose I wouldn't be here so well done pop