This thread was SUPPOSED to be about welcoming new members and spreading the good word about the forum. Instead we have descended into comments about which state is best, GST ripoffs, et, etc. surely this is not the way to encourage new members!
All the points may be valid, but as a group of individuals surely our focus should be about the joy we get from our caravanning experiences, offering of good advice and showing that we are a collective of enthusiasts regardless of State. I personally have lived in WA, Victoria, ACT and now QLD.... They all have advantages and disadvantages and the Government we get is the Government that WE vote in.
All the points may be valid, but as a group of individuals surely our focus should be about the joy we get from our caravanning experiences, offering of good advice and showing that we are a collective of enthusiasts regardless of State. I personally have lived in WA, Victoria, ACT and now QLD.... They all have advantages and disadvantages and the Government we get is the Government that WE vote in.