We both prefer not to heat the van during the night. An arm chair expert recommended the Tontine branded doona, which we picked up for a budget no name equivalent cheap price at Kmart and its the warmest doona we've had. We have a property in Gippsland where the temps can get down to zero, and the Tontine is all we've ever used ... and I sleep very (very) light in the pajama department (theres a picture you'll never erase)
After my Coleman heater post, I looked online and discovered after a gazillion years Coleman no longer seem to make catalytic gas heaters. So if your interested in one, best jump onto it sooner rather than later
After my Coleman heater post, I looked online and discovered after a gazillion years Coleman no longer seem to make catalytic gas heaters. So if your interested in one, best jump onto it sooner rather than later