17.56-1 OB Just ordered


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
Mandurah WA (working in China)
Husband (Hagrid) & I have been lurking for a while on the forum and getting ideas for the new van. We ordered our new 17.56-1 OB the other week with just about everything we could possibly think of... bigger fridge, AC, awning & walls, double gas tank, gas bayonet at front and back, HWS, a few extra power points, longer A frame, plus I'm sure others but can't think of them at this second. :p

We're still debating putting the AC on the ceiling to give us more storage space and waiting for the 2012 brochure for colours etc. We've been told March -> start of April for delivery and can't wait. Hopefully we'll be able to take it away come Easter holidays. Not surprised to see that the 17.56 series are so popular. We have two tweens and a toddler so finding something to fit us all in wasn't easy.

Dealer seems to have given us a good deal but being based in WA doesn't give us a vast amount of options.

A quick question. I've seen some people are putting LED lights inside instead of incandescent. Does anyone know what the benefits of doing this are? Hmm... might start a new thread on this q!

Mrs H


Active Member
Oct 6, 2011
A quick question. I've seen some people are putting LED lights inside instead of incandescent. Does anyone know what the benefits of doing this are? Hmm... might start a new thread on this q!

HI there, I'm no expert, but for us putting in LED's will save on battery usage. Most of our camping is going to be free bush camping, so the least amount of draw on the batteries, the longer they last. Our batteries will also run the pump and cd/radio. so every bit counts.

Hope this helps a bit.


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Welcome to the forum, Hagrid (& Mrs H). I hope you make it for Easter. It sounds like you have ordered every thing you will need for you and the kids but I am sure you can get some other ideas here before it arrives. Keep us posted. :bowl:


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
Hi welcome

we went with the roof A/C mainly for the cupboard space it frees up. the Microwave goes over the fridge and is a much more convienent hieght as well. If indeed you are having A/C i think the $600-$800 over the standard A/C is worth it. Warning does make the roof that bit heavier to lift up and down!