NO,No,NO I mean 12v from tug for charging batteries not for running the fridge, goodness me did you think I fell off the branch ??.......@Drover, there is no way a single 160w solar panel can meet the constant demands of a 3 way fridge requiring more than 14 amps at 12 plus volts constantly. Okay to try to keep storage battery topped up when fully operating, but at 5 amps and varying all the time on the road - shadows and non optimal direction - no way. Even with 15 amps solar capacity, this input is not constant and always needs the back up of some sort of storage system eg battery voltage and current.

We all know a 3 way fridge cannot run off the van batteries well not for long and a 160w panel isn't going to keep up with drain anyway ......... though if your only driving for 4 hours or so at a time hardly any need to run the fridge on 12v from tug anyway, have done it many a time in various temps and not a big drop at all so long as the door stays closed............... So @Hitting the road just meaning no need for battery charging, in these modern vehicles with electric everything cutting back loads is important for alternator and start battery life, auto lights, wipers, heated seats and all the other things especially electric steering means the vehicles power grid gets a flogging, electric steering can demand up to 80amps at times so making sure items not in use are turned off is a help... auto headlights that come on each time you start up in a garage place a huge demand on things in the beginning along with AC and other auto bits so while running the fridge is a big demand adding battery charging is just an uneccessary load if you have solar ...
The other point I was going to make is if your going to be mainly off grid, I would be adding another panel to the roof or a portable, or have we mentioned that already...???