Solar The Solar Panel Thread

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
been thinking about getting extra solar panels for when needed -

looked at these on Fleabay

any good?

Hi @bigcol , had a good look at these panels on Ebay for you. If I had the room to store these, I would have a set. From what is displayed, should be good value. Important things to look for are max charge voltage (18.0 volts), tolerance (plus or minus 10%), rated efficiency (at 17%) and an MPPT controller too. The Platinum Series IS a true MPPT controller, although it does not have all the bells and whistles that individual MPPT controllers may have (those that stand alone and are not connected to the back of solar panels.) I paid $279.00 for a 180w folding panel 3 year's ago( with a bogey MPPT controller attached) and just 12 months ago purchased a 200w panel with an ordinary PWM controller. Although I do not use any of the controllers on back of panels (they are bypassed), the fact that more and more solar panels now have an MPPT controller included says it all. Note that max rated output for panel under Standard Test Conditions is 16.67A, the controller is only rated at 15A, so the output from panel is unlikely to reach the rated max, and the MPPT controller would be at its limit under these conditions, even if allowing for no increase in controller output to battery. Hope you can understand this okay. Try hard and look back at some of the posts explaining how excess voltage (above sensed battery voltage) is converted to extra amps over and above standard output from panels to controller. IMHO, a good buy at that price and what you get for your dollars.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
This green steam is mystical stuff, where before both my roof panel and my portable with seperate controllers worked away happily when everything was connected to the battery terminals, now with everything running off a bus bar type set up with just single cable hanging off the batteries they don't want to play together one will stop charging while the other steams ahead while on the ute, plug the portable in which is direct to the battery the ute panels runs time I run the Genny I think I will make up an anderson bypass controller lead for the portable and run an anderson from van controller to chassis to plug the portable into and the van controller will run both that will allow the portable to be still portable for other tasks..........Anyone want me to do a test on Victron Blue controller ?????????


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
This green steam is mystical stuff, where before both my roof panel and my portable with seperate controllers worked away happily when everything was connected to the battery terminals, now with everything running off a bus bar type set up with just single cable hanging off the batteries they don't want to play together one will stop charging while the other steams ahead while on the ute, plug the portable in which is direct to the battery the ute panels runs time I run the Genny I think I will make up an anderson bypass controller lead for the portable and run an anderson from van controller to chassis to plug the portable into and the van controller will run both that will allow the portable to be still portable for other tasks..........Anyone want me to do a test on Victron Blue controller ?????????
Im about to buy a Victron 75/15 for my portable panels

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
This green steam is mystical stuff, where before both my roof panel and my portable with seperate controllers worked away happily when everything was connected to the battery terminals, now with everything running off a bus bar type set up with just single cable hanging off the batteries they don't want to play together one will stop charging while the other steams ahead while on the ute, plug the portable in which is direct to the battery the ute panels runs time I run the Genny I think I will make up an anderson bypass controller lead for the portable and run an anderson from van controller to chassis to plug the portable into and the van controller will run both that will allow the portable to be still portable for other tasks..........Anyone want me to do a test on Victron Blue controller ?????????

Hi @Drover , this "Tech Head" is smiling broadly at the moment but feeling for you and your problems. It is very rarely that you are so vulnerable to be reminded of what has been put in print on previous postings on this matter. Without malice or prejudice, may I remind you of postings 790,792 and 793 regarding running two different controllers onto the one battery. And I think that post 802 by you is a classic!!! May the force be with you. Every dog has HIS day - sometimes one has to be patient, very patient!!! Do I hear the rattle of the money box getting shaken to see if there are enough shekels to buy a good MPPT controller and then you WILL really will be " all singing and all dancing". Let me know if I can be of assistance in bypassing the controller on portable panel and connecting a separate Anderson plug to connect to van, so you have both panels in Parallel, but controlled by the VAN controller. Cheers


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Yes @Boots in Action you have pointed out these things and I knew you would bite but until I redid things it all worked well way before the post reached 3 digits just a change in situation, and Im talking quite a few years, if I put the solar cables back onto the battery there wouldn' t be a problem...

It is sort of scary that you can quote actual post numbers though.

And no the money box isn't rattling, it isn't a problem just a new direction to take which will require 30 mins of my time, I won't be throwing money at replacing the units .
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Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
Ive absorbed as much of this as I think is humanly possible. The last time around the school'in many years ago, I wasnt such a conscientious apprentice.

@Crusty181, you can never absorb TOO much on this subject!! Technology is always changing (moving forward??) and we all have to relearn things. We have moved from Flooded batteries to Gel and then to AGM type. But now there are two other types - dearer at the moment - but who knows in the future with Lead Crystal and Lithium?? We have also moved from valve operated electronics to transistor to printed circuits which are getting smaller and smaller. Dick Tracy and his comics of 60 years ago are now the norm! The trouble is as we get older, it is harder to delete "old thinking" and learn "new ways". Change is always hard (for me anyway!) But I am happy to use technology if it makes my life easier too. Sorry, off subject again.
Have a read of post 928 directed to you about how to connect your portable panel into your van system and not have two controllers fighting each other. And you still have the option of using the panel (with its own controller) to do other tasks. That is what I think @Drover will now probably do to overcome his problem for good with NO hassles. The "KISS" principal is always the best!!! Parallel hookup is so simple, but the real step up would be to connect in SERIES - a bit more difficult with the wiring though!!

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
Yes @Boots in Action you have pointed out these things and I knew you would bite but until I redid things it all worked well way before the post reached 3 digits just a change in situation, and Im talking quite a few years, if I put the solar cables back onto the battery there wouldn' t be a problem...

It is sort of scary that you can quote actual post numbers though.

And no the money box isn't rattling, it isn't a problem just a new direction to take which will require 30 mins of my time, I won't be throwing money at replacing the units .

Hi @Drover , taken in the spirit it was intended. I don't bite my friends very hard. Go for the "KISS" principal and bypass the controller on portable panel with another lead with Anderson plug for connecting in parallel with input from roof panels. Very easy and simple and permanent - no messing about with wiring each time. Flexibility!!
When I first joined this forum, your great mate @bigcol advised me to "not worry about your sayings sometimes", and that even you have had to retract some things you said earlier or was it @mikerezny ?? I might go back and take note of the posting number last April and see if you remember it. We all want to share our knowledge and experiences for all, and I for one have learnt plenty from you. Thank you for your friendship on this forum.


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
I started out working for Burroughs on their mechanical adding and accounting machines and remember their first computer coming in to the country. They had to take over half of the floor space in the building to fit it in. All valve operated. Since then I went to IBM on typewriters but studied electronics learning about those new fangled transistors and diodes. progressed to word processors scoring two training trips to the USA. Went through a few companies finally working on PC's before moving to Queensland and getting a job in a high school as their computer system 'Guru". Having retired 12 years ago I now have trouble working a mobile phone, having been left far behind due to lack of interest in further study. I'd rather go travelling.:becky: So all this tech talk is getting too deep for me but I read it all, understand some, and, realise if I need to do any of this stuff there are a number of people to ask for assistance. Keep up the good work Techos. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Question : Booties why no conflict when connected direct to battery terminals ???
I think I may know, answer in under a hundred words please.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2014
I was tossing up the Victron or the Eperver but they want money so they just get added to the list.....,..

I had a Epever 30amp controller installed last week got it of eBay for under half the price of a Victron of the same specs, also came with the wifi dongle that allows me to monitor what's happening via an app on my phone.
We've been up at Somerset for the past 6 days but no real sun as yet, when the sun shines I'll unplug the 240 and run the battery down a bit and do some testing. I'll post what I see when I get home can't resize pics on the iPad.
I have a set of 120w glass panels and a set of 120w flexible panels, did a quick test at home before leaving controllers on panels bypassed saw 19v going to the Epever from both panels briefly but didn't last as battery was fully charged.
Run from controller to battery is only 3ft so there will be now voltage drop there, whilst the install cost me more than I wanted it to it's all done and I believe if the sun shines I'll be able to free camp indefinitely with the new set up where previously I was 3-4 days, so very happy.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
@Crusty181, you can never absorb TOO much on this subject!! Technology is always changing (moving forward??) and we all have to relearn things. We have moved from Flooded batteries to Gel and then to AGM type. But now there are two other types - dearer at the moment - but who knows in the future with Lead Crystal and Lithium?? We have also moved from valve operated electronics to transistor to printed circuits which are getting smaller and smaller. Dick Tracy and his comics of 60 years ago are now the norm! The trouble is as we get older, it is harder to delete "old thinking" and learn "new ways". Change is always hard (for me anyway!) But I am happy to use technology if it makes my life easier too. Sorry, off subject again.
Have a read of post 928 directed to you about how to connect your portable panel into your van system and not have two controllers fighting each other. And you still have the option of using the panel (with its own controller) to do other tasks. That is what I think @Drover will now probably do to overcome his problem for good with NO hassles. The "KISS" principal is always the best!!! Parallel hookup is so simple, but the real step up would be to connect in SERIES - a bit more difficult with the wiring though!!
Re the KISS principle, I lean more to complex setups and systems to make the KISS principle apply more to usage and application. I have two important principles, mods have to be invisible or look ex-factory, no horrible cheap looking backyard add ons which look pox, ruin the ascetics and lower the vans overall value. The other principle is everything must be super simply to use, regardless of how complicated its is to make it simple to use. The Princess and the Crustket must be able to use everything without asking questions, or remembering a "procedure"

I reserve the portables solar panels exclusively for the Engel in the car, and van roof panels are just for the van. That means I generally have to camp in full sun, but we are mostly able to orientate the van to provide the people shade we need. I have 2 portable panels, a 100w soft panel and a 150w blanket. The soft panel can be propped up, but not so for the blanket and it just lays over the car bonnet. I have an Anderson screwed to the car winch controller on the bullbar, connected directly to the car battery to easily plug in the portable panels when required

When I get some time (sooner rather than later) I will increase my van roof panels to around 500w (2 x 250w). I was heading down the flexy panel path due to the weight but @Moto Mech's experienced has certainly frightened me off that. Ive found 250w framed panels on Ebay that are only 10kg each so that's only 10kg (combined) more than the flexies would have been. Ill connect them in series to the Epever 40amp which Ive already fitted. With @mikerezny's local wise counsel Ill swap the blocking diodes out for bypass. The original plan was to remove the existing 150w roof panel because 500w total is ample, but Im now leaning toward leaving it and running cabling to the drawbar and connecting that panel to the cars battery ... for no other reasons then "it there, so why the hell not".

Another thought bubble was to fit a isolation switch in the Epever feed in cable to effectively turn off the Epever. I have an external Anderson from the van batteries under chassis on the off side which is for an external sullage pump, and a portable decanting pump. With the Epever "switched off" I could use that existing Anderson to connect either of my 2 portable solar panels directly to the vans batteries via the Victron controller at times of unavoidable shade over the van panels. Charging would be limited in comparison to the 500w on the roof, but if there's unavoidable shade its another easy option and better than a ham sandwich.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
I had a Epever 30amp controller installed last week got it of eBay for under half the price of a Victron of the same specs, also came with the wifi dongle that allows me to monitor what's happening via an app on my phone.
We've been up at Somerset for the past 6 days but no real sun as yet, when the sun shines I'll unplug the 240 and run the battery down a bit and do some testing. I'll post what I see when I get home can't resize pics on the iPad.
I have a set of 120w glass panels and a set of 120w flexible panels, did a quick test at home before leaving controllers on panels bypassed saw 19v going to the Epever from both panels briefly but didn't last as battery was fully charged.
Run from controller to battery is only 3ft so there will be now voltage drop there, whilst the install cost me more than I wanted it to it's all done and I believe if the sun shines I'll be able to free camp indefinitely with the new set up where previously I was 3-4 days, so very happy.
I have the Epever but it is large and heavy which is fine fixed in my over cabinet. For my portable 150w panel the Victron 75/15 is relatively cheap ($150, cheaper for non BT) but importantly easily handled at around 100mm square in size

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
Question : Booties why no conflict when connected direct to battery terminals ???
I think I may know, answer in under a hundred words please.

Hi @Drover , I have a feeling about this, but would be happy to be corrected by other more educated "Tech Heads" on this forum. The following is MY thoughts only, and have not had a chance to confirm with the true gurus on this subject, but I will stick my neck out!!
A battery is really a HUGE capacitor storing electrical current (potential power) just like capacitors in electric motors and other devices. But they are very small in comparison with a storage battery and have only limited capacity (storage) with a plus or minus limit of only 5 to 10%, so they do not accept too much change in voltage or current before being outside design parameters, and/or their electrical potential is utilised. When power (voltage and current) is applied directly to a battery terminal, any changes or variations in voltage/current are quickly absorbed throughout the HUGE CAPACITOR (battery) and would be negligible in the scheme of things when applied by separate wires as input. But by putting both inputs together BEFORE the battery in a single wire input, the different solar controllers are "seeing" the other's voltage/current levels and not the battery's current position which "smoothes" out these variations. More than 100 words, but just my OWN thoughts. Probably more complicated than that, but am happy to be corrected and learn myself.

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
Re the KISS principle, I lean more to complex setups and systems to make the KISS principle apply more to usage and application. I have two important principles, mods have to be invisible or look ex-factory, no horrible cheap looking backyard add ons which look pox, ruin the ascetics and lower the vans overall value. The other principle is everything must be super simply to use, regardless of how complicated its is to make it simple to use. The Princess and the Crustket must be able to use everything without asking questions, or remembering a "procedure"

I reserve the portables solar panels exclusively for the Engel in the car, and van roof panels are just for the van. That means I generally have to camp in full sun, but we are mostly able to orientate the van to provide the people shade we need. I have 2 portable panels, a 100w soft panel and a 150w blanket. The soft panel can be propped up, but not so for the blanket and it just lays over the car bonnet. I have an Anderson screwed to the car winch controller on the bullbar, connected directly to the car battery to easily plug in the portable panels when required

When I get some time (sooner rather than later) I will increase my van roof panels to around 500w (2 x 250w). I was heading down the flexy panel path due to the weight but @Moto Mech's experienced has certainly frightened me off that. Ive found 250w framed panels on Ebay that are only 10kg each so that's only 10kg (combined) more than the flexies would have been. Ill connect them in series to the Epever 40amp which Ive already fitted. With @mikerezny's local wise counsel Ill swap the blocking diodes out for bypass. The original plan was to remove the existing 150w roof panel because 500w total is ample, but Im now leaning toward leaving it and running cabling to the drawbar and connecting that panel to the cars battery ... for no other reasons then "it there, so why the hell not".

Another thought bubble was to fit a isolation switch in the Epever feed in cable to effectively turn off the Epever. I have an external Anderson from the van batteries under chassis on the off side which is for an external sullage pump, and a portable decanting pump. With the Epever "switched off" I could use that existing Anderson to connect either of my 2 portable solar panels directly to the vans batteries via the Victron controller at times of unavoidable shade over the van panels. Charging would be limited in comparison to the 500w on the roof, but if there's unavoidable shade its another easy option and better than a ham sandwich.

Hello again @Crusty181 , you are definitely a "Cupboard Tech Head" with that sort of knowledge. All good!! Where have you been during these technical discussions?? Obviously you DO follow/read what other members have said on this forum. You have plenty of input to offer!! Congrats.

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
I had a Epever 30amp controller installed last week got it of eBay for under half the price of a Victron of the same specs, also came with the wifi dongle that allows me to monitor what's happening via an app on my phone.
We've been up at Somerset for the past 6 days but no real sun as yet, when the sun shines I'll unplug the 240 and run the battery down a bit and do some testing. I'll post what I see when I get home can't resize pics on the iPad.
I have a set of 120w glass panels and a set of 120w flexible panels, did a quick test at home before leaving controllers on panels bypassed saw 19v going to the Epever from both panels briefly but didn't last as battery was fully charged.
Run from controller to battery is only 3ft so there will be now voltage drop there, whilst the install cost me more than I wanted it to it's all done and I believe if the sun shines I'll be able to free camp indefinitely with the new set up where previously I was 3-4 days, so very happy.

Hi @Axl , I will be very interested in your results when you can send them in. The run from controller to battery is acceptable but not optimum, but I guess there is little you can do about it other than move batteries around. Just make sure that wiring is sufficient to handle the extra current that you MPPT may generate. I recently had 21 amps going into my main battery (120ah AGM) and my new auxiliary battery (75ah AGM) which I connected in parallel with the van battery as per my earlier post. And you will find that your Epever controller will charge your AGM battery to a higher charging voltage than your SETEC, provided you have adjusted the max voltage setting on your controller.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Hello again @Crusty181 , you are definitely a "Cupboard Tech Head" with that sort of knowledge. All good!! Where have you been during these technical discussions?? Obviously you DO follow/read what other members have said on this forum. You have plenty of input to offer!! Congrats.
Ive been dutifully walking along behind the horse named Tech Head with my charff bag in hand, filling it as I go. Ive managed to collect most, but not all of the offerings.

Anything I add is only a ruse, Im either regurgitating or paraphrasing the learnings of others so I in turn appear cleverer than I am. Im not in fact very clever; my true talents lie in my exceptionally awesome ability to steal the ideas of others ..... and spit them back out with the assistance of my other talent, plagiarism. ;)

You guys are the inspiration.